Page 71 of Kismet

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“I’ll let you two handle the chores.” Miles stepped back. “While I run out and get provisions.”

“Sounds good,” Teague hooked his thumb over his shoulder. “Follow me. Let’s catch up.”

“Lead the way.”

Nodding, he headed toward the supply shed, guessing that the weight of leading a platoon and being responsible for so many lives was still very much on Jax’s shoulders. Something he understood a little too well.

Two hours later, Teague sat with his buddies at a picnic bench under the tree that dominated the patio. “Barbecue and beer at eleven on Friday. What does that say about us?”

“We’re living right,” Miles said firmly.

“I guess it’s possible.” He checked his phone to see if Tancy had texted. When he saw a blank screen, he told himself it wasn’t a big deal.

“She would call you if there was a problem,” Miles said after he wiped his mouth. “The woman can handle herself.”

“I know.” He shook his head. “You guys should’ve seen her yesterday. An unhinged man waved a gun, and her vibe was pure, fuck around and find out. If she lived in ancient Rome, she would’ve been Athena, the Goddess of wars, right-hand woman.”

“And she’d do it in kitty pajamas,” Jax added with a snort.

“Those are her favorite,” Teague said quietly before moving his beer bottle aside.

“Why do we even date women?” Jax asked. “All they do is steal your blankets, put their cold feet on you and eat all the fries off your plate?”

“Plan on saying goodbye to your hoodies, too,” Miles added helpfully.

“But who’d want it any other way since when you pull them close, and they press their head against your chest, you know there are still good things in the world,” Teague said quietly.

“If you’re into that sort of thing,” Jax laughed.

“So what will your thing be now that you’re retired?” Teague asked.

“My first stop was SAI. I talked to Rorke, and he told me I could join them whenever I’m ready.” He stretched his legs out. “I’m gonna take some time off before I jump back into it, though.”

“That’s a good plan. And you can stay with me if you want,” Miles volunteered. I have a two-bedroom place, so you are welcome to the other room.”

“Thanks, man.” Jax nodded. “I’ll take you up on that.”

Teague clinked his bottle against Jax’s. “Glad to have you on the East Coast.”

“Appreciate it.” He took a slug of his beer. “I planned to settle in Virginia Beach, but this will work for now.”

“Agreed.” As the conversation turned to their last mission together, Teague fixed himself a second plate. Doing his best to participate, he found it all but impossible since ninety percent of his focus was on Tancy and how they would navigate the next part of their relationship.

The transition from friendship to a full-blown relationship was never easy, and he knew what they were experiencing was basically growing pains.

“Earth to Teague,” Miles said loudly.

“Sorry about that.” He put his fork down. “I’m lost in the sauce.”

“Do you miss your girl already?” Jax joked as he made a show of checking his watch. “It hasn’t been twenty-four, has it?”

“I didn’t leave things like I wanted and am regretting some things I said.”

“Let me guess,” Miles said, stroking his beard. “You forgot to listen and lectured instead.”

“Something like that. I was so freaking pissed that she put herself in danger that I forgot to ask about her feelings.”

“Call her,” Jax instructed. “Quit making up shit in your head and communicate.”
