Page 8 of Kismet

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Moving closer, he smiled. “I can’t make promises that I might not be able to keep.”

She ignored his delicious woodsy scent and crossed her legs. “What are you doing at home? Shouldn’t you be collecting orders and numbers from your many admirers at your studio?”

“I’d rather attend one of your dance classes.”

“I knew you’d eventually want to learn how to do the foxtrot.” She held out her hand. “And don’t worry, I will happily be your partner for the first couple of sessions.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” He took her outstretched hand and collapsed onto the porch swing. “Something has been bugging me, and I gotta ask why you’d put my picture on blast if you think my personality is so unfortunate.” He slid his hand away. “It doesn’t seem like foisting me on the female population would be in keeping with your whole queens supporting queen’s thing.”

Considering his statement, she stared at the budding white cherry tree in the front yard. “You’re a good person, Teague. Maybe the best kind since you have an unfailing sense of duty and have tirelessly given yourself to protecting others.” She smiled faintly. “You have all the good qualities a woman could ask for, so the fact you grunt more than you speak, bark more than you laugh, and generally scowl at anyone who gets close shouldn’t be a deal breaker for the best sort of love story.”

“That’s quite a review.” He pushed his foot against the porch and made the swing sway. “I wouldn’t have guessed that you’d have one positive word for me, much less three or four.”

“I think bickering is our love language.” Startled at her word choice, she coughed. “What I meant to say is our friendship language.”

“Is that all we are? Friends?”

She studied his rugged features and felt trapped not by his massive body but by his unforgiving gaze. What had come over the man? If she didn’t know better, she’d think he was deeply invested in the next several sentences that came out of her mouth. “What else would we be?” She pushed her shoulder into his arm. “We rode out a pandemic together and are alive to talk about it.” Patting his hand, she gave him an encouraging smile. “If we weren’t, I wouldn’t try and help you as much as I do.”

“Lucky me,” he said, gusting out a long sigh.

She ignored the sudden weird vibe, knowing it was important to focus on the end goal. One of them had to move back into the world, and since she had no interest, it should be him. Even if he didn’t think it was the best idea since Neapolitan ice cream.

Several hours later, Tancy watched her brother finish his second piece of pie. “Would you like a third helping?”

“I’m thinking about it.”

She pushed the dessert closer to his plate. “I think it’s highly unfair that you were blessed with the metabolism of a rat on speed. You eat everything in sight and still look like a young Lee Pace.”

Nathan ran his hands through his longish shag. “Are you talking about the actor in the Hobbit trilogy?”

“Yes. He’s all over TikTok, and everyone is going crazy for his macho geeky vibe.”

“Guess that means there’s hope for me yet.” He adjusted his napkin to be exactly one inch away from his plate. “I saw Hayle this afternoon, and she told me she’d add me to her matchmaking roster if I wanted.”

“Are we talking about cousin Hayle?”

“Yes, but I don’t think Aunt Sadie’s marriage to Ellie Hawker gives us the cousin connection.”

She waved her hand. “Doesn’t matter. She’s one of my dearest friends, and if I want to call her family, then I will.”

“Far be it from me to try and influence your thinking.”

“Speaking of that…”

“I’m not going to change my mind about pursuing the gig with Birch. It may not work out, but I have to give it a shot.”

“What about the offer Mason Marshall made? Working with a multi-gazillion dollar tech company could be the perfect place for you.” She played with the stem of her wine glass. “And a secure job that doesn’t involve flying bullets would make you much more appealing to the right woman. Very few candidates would consider a man who runs around the world putting his life in danger to be a viable contender.”

“What about the whole hero that saves the world archetype?” He shook out his hair. “I think it could improve my vibe and give Hayle something to work with.”

“You’re a catch, just as you are. Any woman would be lucky to have you, and I’m not just saying that because we’re related.” She watched him study the tablecloth pattern and knew he was uncomfortable. He wasn’t a fan of too much emotion and always resisted her attempts to be his hype woman. “Hayle will have dozens and dozens of women fighting for a chance to get to know you.”

“Thanks, but all those compliments won’t make me stay in town and commit to the first job offer that comes my way.”

“It was worth a shot.” She threw him a sassy smile. “And don’t try and pretend that you wouldn’t love to hang out more.”

“Love is a strong word. I think tolerate would be more accurate.”

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