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Ithought I was a modern-day Achilles, come to visit revenge on the enemy for the death of my Patroclus, aka my cousin Ophelia.

Well, if Patroclus were Achille’s cousin, and a girl.

And if my cousin weren’t a liar and a witch.

Yes, my metaphor is pretty messed-up. Just like the inside of my head these days.

I’m attending Pandemonium Academy, smuggled onto the student roll by Ashton, a sexy vampire boy who is a hot-geek-slash-eye-candy, and when I was discovered and about to be given the boot, Sindri, a fae prince with the face of an angel and the body of a sex god paid my fees and kept me here.

Because, as it turns out, I might be a witch after all, despite having grown up as a boring human, a foundling my adoptive parents at the Church of the Angel took in.

Then there is Jason the gorgeous werewolf who saved me from a demon gang on my first day at school, and Emrys the dangerous but beautiful demon boy who has been protecting me from the start.

But now these last two have gone over to the other side.

To my cousin’s side, to be more precise.

You see, I was raised to abhor magic and the magical races—the werewolves, the vampires, the demons, and the fae. But nothing is as I was taught. My cousin is a witch, and the diary I found where she describes these four boys as the bullies who drove her to despair was all a lie. And I… I seem to have magic. I’m not so human after all.

Which leaves me floundering, unable to tell up from down, to decide who I am or what I’m supposed to do here.

Before, I had a purpose. I came here with a mission. Revenge. Now… I don’t even know if I’m supposed to try and stop my cousin, try to wrench Emrys and Jason out of her hold. When she appeared, I sensed her weave a dark enchantment as if to trap them—but what do I know of magic? I’m a newbie in the field. I’m not even sure what I’m sensing, if it really is magic or not, let alone something dark and ominous.

You see, before my cousin’s arrival, Emrys had found out that I had asked Melissa and Vanessa for dirt on them, to expose them and hurt them, and wasn’t happy with me—big surprise—and as for Jason, well… Turns out he has some history with my cousin. Of course, he knew her under another name—Aurora—and obviously had no idea she was a witch, but I guess the attraction is still there.

My cousin is pretty. She’s clever, she’s funny, she’s sexy.

She’s all I’d like to be.

But she says she is the Queen Witch, come to find four conduits to siphon elemental magic. She says she’s here to help these boys control their magic, but why?

That’s what I don’t get, even if I’d have walked through fire to help them myself.

Here is the thing: the boys and me, we have been through fire already. While my cousin slept in a glass coffin, lost in a magic coma, I was here, fighting to save them from a shooter who fired bespelled arrows into them to weaken their demonblood, thereby causing their elemental magic to go haywire and get out of control. I discussed the situation with them, listened to them…

Kissed them, touched them, made out with them… Slept with them.

Well, it counts. Totally. It wasn’t all physical.

Not for me, anyway.

Sindri and Ashton have stayed with me. But what if it’s because they expect me to reveal myself to be more powerful than my cousin? Sindri thinks I’m this mythical Queen Witch, and Ashton hasn’t expressed an opinion, but what if he believes it, too?

What if they stayed with me because of a false belief and they will soon be disappointed and flock to my cousin, too? What if—?

“Mia.” Sindri nudges my foot with his. “Hey!”

He’s sitting beside me in Astronomy class—he switched a few days ago so we now share more classes—and is currently trying to get my attention by kicking me and throwing balls of paper at me.

“What is it?” I hiss. The teacher is looking my way and I’m way behind in classes as it is. I don’t need to draw her attention. Now that I seem to be stuck in the Academy, at least until I figure all this out, I need to manage to not get kicked out.

“Did you know that the original word in Greek is astronomia? It contains your name. Mia.”

“Sin…” I sigh. “Honestly, what’s wrong with you? Are you high?”
