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Oh boy. “I thought we were past that.”

“Well, pardon me for being fucking mad at him after he abandoned us for that bitch,” Sindri mutters.

I turn to gaze at the demon boy. “About that… Why did you leave us, Rys? If you’re angry with me, if I did something to upset you, I apologize. Please—”

“It’s not you,” he says.

“Not me? Then…” Movement out of the corner of my eye has me trailing to a stop. “What…?”

What did I just see?

But then Sindri breaks into a run. “Ash! Watch out!”

“What the fuck?” Emrys mutters, reaching for me.

Ashton who’s about ten feet ahead jerks sideways, shouting something—and Jason jumps in front of him as shadowy figures appear at the mouth of the street.Three, I think,three persons. Do they have guns? Do they—?

Emrys throws me down before I can finish my thought, the breath knocked out of me, and then Emrys is also running toward Ashton and Jason. Leaving me in the dirt, struggling to get back up, fear tasting like cold metal in my mouth.

“Ash…” Sitting up, barely feeling the sting of torn skin on my elbows and palms, I see Emrys and Sindri rushing the attackers. I can’t hear any gunshots, which is a relief until I remember they could be using silencers—thank you, thrillers and detective stories. My boys may be getting killed right now without me noticing, and the panic pushes me to my feet and has me racing toward them.

I don’t even have enough breath to call out their names, but maybe I shouldn’t distract them anyway, and what can I do—?

“Jax!” someone shouts, and I think it’s Ashton.

“Catch them, they’re escaping!” Emrys snarls. “Who are they working for? Sin, don’t let that one go!”

“Can’t run.Kraish.” Sindri is bent over by the curb. “Your precious Ophelia really took it out of me today, dammit.”

“No idea what the hell you’re talking about,” Emrys grunts, turning to me. “You all right, Mia?”

“Jax. Jax, are you all right?” Ashton sounds frantic and the buzzing in my ears grows too loud.

I stumble toward them, watch as if in a dream Jason sag in Ashton’s arms, his white T-shirt covered in blood.

Oh no.

I wanted them to be there for each other. Not to die for each other.No dying. Please, no.

“I’m okay,” Jason breathes, struggling to get his feet under him.

“Yeah, fucking great you are,” Ashton grinds out.

“What happened?” I skid to a stop in front of them and I lift Jason’s soaked T-shirt to examine the damage. I expect a bullet hole. Not a ragged slash. “They hadknives?”

“First they brandished guns, but once they got close, they pulled out daggers.” Ashton hauls Jason back up when the werewolf’s knees start to buckle. “Jax stepped in front of me, took the knife meant for me.”

“You think they came afteryou?” I ask. “Why?”

Ashton scowls darkly. “I was probably the only one they recognized at the hospital. Someone betrayed me, told them I was out of the Academy.”

“And who wants you dead?”

“Is that a trick question?” he mutters. “Just about everyone wants me dead. Even Jason here.”

“Fuck you, Ash,” Jason slurs, head rolling to the side. “If I wanted you dead… you’d be dead by now.”

“Don’t talk.” I stroke blond hair out of his face. “We have to stop the bleeding. The cut is deep.”
