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“What’s that got to do with anything?”

“You don’t owe her any allegiance,” Melissa says earnestly. “You came here for a purpose and you can still accomplish it.”

“What do you want?” I push past her, determinedly making my way to the farthest table. “I’m done with that. You lied to me about them.”

“Who says I lied?” Melissa says, following me.

“You said they killed people and then changed your tune.”

“They did kill. Ask them.”

I stare at her. “Seriously, what have they done to you?”

“Not them. Their families. I told you.”

“The boys are not their families! You can’t punish them for the sins of their fathers. Why pursue this when they’re innocent?”

“They aren’t innocent,” Melissa says. “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. They’re following in their families’ footsteps. They’ve been raised to do it. We have to nip the evil in the bud.”

“Are you from some blood-thirsty sect or something? They’re people!”

“They’re magical creatures with way too much power.”

I plonk my tray on the table and turn to face her. “I came here because I thought those boys had hurt Ophelia, but as it turns out, they hadn’t. So, there is no revenge to be taken. As far as I’m concerned, the boys did nothing wrong.”

“What if I get you proof?”

“And what do you think I can do with it?” I throw my hands up in the air. “If you have such proof, why don’t you go to the police?”

“It’s not that simple.”

“Right. I don’t believe you, Melissa. Go away.”

“You’d better rethink that, missy.” She sits down across from me and smirks. “You don’t have many friends here. Better not kick away the precious few still on your side.”

I sit down, my appetite gone. “I’m not going to betray the boys, Melissa.”

“Most of the students are against you. Half of them because these boys seem to like you, the other half because you’re a witch. And Zoey has sided with this Ophelia. She used to be called Aurora, you know.”

“You remember her.”

“Of course, I remember her. Though she wasn’t anything memorable then. An ordinary girl, neither too bright, nor too pretty, and yet somehow got Jason Kassidy to play her boyfriend for a while—”

I stop her. “Playher boyfriend?”

“Well. Maybe they were really together, I wouldn’t know. Everyone wondered why he dated her when he didn’t seem to give a shit about her before. After all, she kept trying to get the other boys into her bed, Emrys, Sindri, and Ashton…”

I don’t know why this still manages to upset me. “She did?”

“Never managed. Only Jason seemed won over, but even he never showed much affection for her. Never held her hand or kissed her in public.”

“How odd,” I whisper.

“It only lasted a few weeks, anyway. Then Zoey got her jealous on and sent her girls to teach Aurora a lesson.”

“And then what happened?” I want to know. “What did they do?”

“We never found out. Aurora disappeared. The school told us that she had decided to leave and be homeschooled.”
