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“Maybe he’s not in,” Ashton says.

“I can feel him,” I whisper and shiver, because all this is still new to me. “Can’t you feel him?”

He puts his hand on the door, presses his forehead to the wood. “I think… Fuck, yeah, I think so.”

Like air.

Like a breath.

Like a low voice.

“I’m breaking down this door,” Ashton says and I barely have time to draw back before he grabs the handle and puts his shoulder into the wood, giving it one violent shove that cracks the lock.

The door swings open.

Vampire strength.Whoa. I sometimes forget how strong these boys are. Wide-eyed, I follow him inside, taking quick note of the mess around us. Like Jason’s room last time I was there, I think, as if the owner of the room didn’t have the time or energy to pick up their dirty clothes off the floor.

“Sin?” I turn around. The room is empty. The covers on the bed are rumpled, the books on the desk spread out, one open as if Sindri had been studying it. His boots stand by the window. “Where is he?”

“Maybe in here.” Ashton makes his way to another door and opens it. “Sin!”

Sindri’s bathroom. I’ve never been inside. Never had cause to. Also, what girl wants to be in a boy’s bathroom?Ew. I saw the gents’ bathrooms and shower stalls inside the stadium. No, thank you.

I approach and the sense of Sindri’s essence becomes stronger. “Sindri?”

“In here!” Ashton is crouched by the open curtain of the shower stall. “Sin, dammit.”

My mouth going dry, I step closer, peek inside and clap a hand over my mouth. He’s curled up inside, a pale shape, water dripping on him from the shower. A pinkish puddle spreads around him. “Ash, is that blood?”

“Yeah,” he says grimly as he pulls on one of Sindri’s limp arms to lift him. “Check him. Where is he hurt?”

As Ashton lifts him, I realize belatedly that Sindri’s naked. Buck naked. And though I’ve seen him naked before, I still feel a scorching flush spread on my face.

“Mia?” He has Sindri upright by now and the pallor of the fae boy is concerning. His blue and black hair is wet, sticking to his white face and neck. His lips are blue.

“Can’t see anything. Um…”

“Check his back,” Ashton says and turns Sindri in his hold so that their chests are flush. “Now?”

I step into the shower, shoes and all, and flinch. “He has a gash on his back. It’s bleeding.”

“Damn it,” Ashton breathes. “Got to get him out of here, he’s like an icicle. Sin. Sin, can you hear me?”

Sindri stirs, grabbing at the front of Ashton’s T-shirt, soaking it. His lashes lift. His bluish lips pull back, baring his teeth. “Get off me,” he slurs, “abesh k’emel,or may your father mate with a dog and his…” His head lolls. “…his dick fall off, uh…”

It’s the funniest and scariest thing ever.

Ashton curses as he shifts his hold on the fae boy, bending his knees and lifting Sindri over his shoulder. “He could be in shock from the blood loss and the cold. We need to warm him up.”

I stumble out of the shower as Ashton carries him into the bedroom, leaving a wet trail. He lowers Sindri on the bed and I chew on my lower lip, worried at how still my fae is.

“Will he be all right?” I whisper.

“Need to dry him and dress the wound.”

Rushing back into the bathroom, I return with a towel. “Here. I’ll go find bandages.”

“My room,” Ashton says. “Under the desk.” He throws me a key. “Here.”
