Page 101 of Texas

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“Ooooh, I popped in at the right time,” I heard Julian say.

“Babe, her boyfriend Cal was my client in Melbourne. She used to come with him all the time. I didn’t know she wanted something off me.”

“She wants to ride the Texas train too.”

We all shot our glares to Julian, who mimicked zipping his lips.

Sighing, I turned to Jules. “I’m sorry you came all this way, but Texas is actually dating someone.” I thumbed at my chest.

She snorted. “Texas doesn’t date. I just want to try what all my girls have been talking about.”

“Fuck,” Texas bit out.

Reaching out, I smacked Texas in the stomach. “Texas,baby, I can’t hurt you for your past, but you need to fix this and set her straight before I lose my cool.”

My man’s lips twitched as he curled an arm around my shoulders and brought me in close, kissing the top of my head. “Jules, those days are gone for me, and I’m glad for it. My future is standin’ right here.” He shook me a little. “I’m completely committed to my woman.”

Jules placed her hands on her hips. “Are you serious?”

His face went cold. “Deadly.”

She clenched her jaw, huffed, and then turned, walking out the already open door where Julian still stood.

“Thank you for the entertainment,” Julian called. “Texas, I’ll see you Friday. Maya, smooches.”

When he was gone, Texas looked down at me. “What’s happenin’ Friday?”

“Dinner and drinks at Julian and Mattie’s place.”

“Jesus. You’ll owe me.”

I scoffed. “I think, after that sweet little visit, it’s you who owes me.”

“Ah, can I pay my bill now?” Jerry asked.

“Shit, Jerry, I’m so sorry you had to see that.” I went to walk back to the computer when I was tagged around the waist, spun, and kissed senseless.

Texas pulled back, and I blinked slowly up at him. “Love you, babe.”

“Love you too, but you still owe me.”

Chuckling, he swatted my butt and went back down the hall. After Jerry paid and left, I still found myself smiling because it didn’t matter about Texas and his past. I’d seen it firsthand back in the day, and honestly, it didn’t surprise me something like this would pop up. Texas had a fan group, no doubt. If it did happen again, I would deal with that too. Texas was mine, and with his eyes now wide open, all he saw was me.



“How you doin’, babe?”

“Shut up.” I hissed out a breath when he hit a very sensitive spot. I swear if I heard him chuckle one more time, I was going to rip his balls off. “How in the hell have you done this, like, a trillion times?”

He paused to shrug. “I like the feelin’.”

“You’re crazy,” I told him and then hissed again when he started back up. I glanced down between my breasts at the sternum tattoo Texas was doing.

“Babe, I told you this spot was one of the most painful ones.”

“I know,” I cried. “I should have listened, but it’ll look badarse when it’s done.”
