Page 107 of Texas

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Shrugging, I took a sip of the beer and looked up at him. “I guess I feel safe here.” Strange, even to my own mind. But I couldn’t understand why, when I walked in there, I felt a sense of home.

He jerked his head back as if surprised by my answer.

“And don’t think I didn’t realize you didn’t answer me about your age.”

“I’m thirty-eight, babe.” I didn’t like the way his brows pinched together or the fact he looked away. I was sure my being younger was a problem for him.

“Um, I just wanted you to know that I don’t think you’re old.”

He threw his head back and laughed. “Good to know, darlin’. What made you join as a club girl, Dusty?”

“I overheard some women talking at a coffee shop about it.” I pointed behind him. “Those two over there.” He didn’t look away from me. “I thought it was time to do something different in my life, and that decision took me here.”

“No shit?”

Laughing, I shrugged. “No shit.” It also happened to be at a time I was low and bored with my life.

He took one elbow off the bar and turned his body my way. My pulse raced when he reached out and tucked my light brown hair behind my ear. He caught the shiver it caused.

“You seriously don’t care I’m way older?” He cocked a brow.

“No. Not at all.”

“Good to know. Tell me somethin’ about you, Dusty.”

So I did, and we ended up talking for an hour, which included some light touches, knee bumps when he sat on his own stool, and many flirty smiles. It was the best fun I’d had in a long time, and I was glad I had those drinks to push my nerves back, as it meant I got to know Country and talk somewhat normally.

The crowded room had lessened a bit by the time Country stood from his stool. He gently pinched my chin to tilt my head back to have my gaze. My stomach put on a display of flips and twists. Was this where he was going to leave? I didn’t want to see him go. I was enjoying my time with him. He’d made me laugh more tonight than I had in a long time.

“What do you want, Dusty?”


His eyes warmed. “Tell me what you want, darlin’.”

“As in with my future or… tonight?”

He smiled. “Tonight, baby.”

Baby. He said it in a way that had me feeling all soft inside.

With both hands, I reached up and gripped his inked wrist. I was going to take a leap. Take something I wanted from the moment I first saw him. “I…” I blew out a breath. “I’d like to go to bed with you.”

His gaze darkened as he leaned in and kissed the corner of my mouth. His facial hair was rough, but I liked the way it tickled against my skin. “Then let’s go to bed, darlin’.” He took hold of my hand and led me through the compound and up some stairs to a room at the back. His room.

My hands shook from a jumble of nerves and excitement. When I heard his bedroom door close, I jolted and turned to him.

His brows rose as he watched my chest rise and fall rapidly. “You sure you want this, darlin’? You can walk out that door any time you want.”

“No, I mean, yes, please.” My face burned. “What I’m trying to say is that… well, I couldn’t walk out that door because I like where I am.”I want this. Please take me now.His smile at my ramblings was a little smug, but I didn’t mind. Even though it seemed my nerves were coming back.

“Fuck, darlin’, you’re somethin’ special. I’m sure that’s why the brothers didn’t snap you up.”

Or it could have been because they saw how I couldn’t keep my gaze away from Country. Thankfully, the man himself didn’t seem to notice my attention on him most of the night… before he approached.

Butterflies took flight inside me from knowing how lucky I was Country had come to the bar and stood beside me. If he hadn’t, I would have gone back to my room dejected. When I’d first applied to be a club girl, Death, the man who’d interviewed me, made it clear the brothers would never force themselves on the girls. We had to be willing and wanting their attention.

Boy, did I want Country’s.
