Page 2 of Texas

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My heart liked it. My heart wanted me to face him, smile at him, and take care of him.

My heart was a fool and needed a punch.

“Yes?” I stared at the door.

“Thank you.”

I paused for a moment. “Okay” was all I said instead of “You’re welcome.” I may have been acting petty, but I needed the distance between us for my heart’s sake because it was willing to cling to anything he gave me.

Opening the door, I stepped out and closed it after me, forcing a smile for the man in front of me. “Hey, Dad.”

“Kiddo,” he replied, opening his arms to me. I wrapped mine around his waist as he curled his around my shoulders. “How’d it go in there?”

“Good. He has four cracked ribs, several cuts, bruises, scrapes, but no concussion. Still, it’s probably best to keep an eye on him.”

Our hands dropped away, and I smiled up at him. Dad bopped my nose. “And how’re you doin’?” He was always worried about his kids. Even though I wasn’t his biological child, he’d claimed me. Which was good, because I’d claimed him right back. He was the best dad anyone could ask for. Though, he could tone down his protectiveness. His brows dipped. “You look stressed. Those fuckers workin’ you too hard?”

Rolling my eyes, I shook my head. “I’m fine. How are you feeling?”

He placed the back of his hand to my forehead. “Don’t stress about me, but are yousureyou’reokay?”

I lightly slapped his hand away. “Stop worrying. Now, I’ve taped his ribs and cleaned his wounds. He’ll probably sleep for a while, since the meds have kicked in.”

He curled his arm around my shoulders and steered me down the hall. “Thanks for comin’.”

As I was about to answer, we heard, “Wanna say thanks also, Maya.” Dodge tipped his chin up to me as he walked our way. We stopped and he placed a kiss on my cheek. “The club would be lost without you.” He ruffled my hair like I was still ten years old and not twenty-one like I actually was.

“You know I’d do anything for you guys, even when you annoy me.”

Dodge and my dad, Talon, chuckled. “Gonna go see him. Catch up soon,” he told Dad.

“Got it.” He nodded.

Before Dodge left, he added, “Maya, come on down to Melbourne. Low will wanna spoil you for a while.”

“Someday soon.” I smiled. But there was no chance I’d visit, since Texas lived there.

Dodge winked and left to go into Texas’s room as Dad’s phone chimed with a message. He pulled it free, and his brows pinched as he read whatever it was.

When his jaw clenched, I knew he wasn’t pleased. Slowly, he pulled his gaze back up to me and I swallowed thickly. “What?”

He crossed his arms over his chest and stared me down. “Somethin’ you wanna tell your dear old dad?”

Scrunching my nose up in confusion, I shook my head. “No. Nothing.”

Dad lifted his phone and tapped it against his chin. “You sure?”

Since I hadn’t done anything bad recently, and the last time he yelled at me was when I took Swan to an adult store when she was underage and the sales assistant tried to sell us cocaine, I couldn’t think of anything that would upset him.

“I’m sure.”

“Then you wanna tell me who you’re datin’?”

Anger gripped my belly. That arsehat mofo couldn’t even wait until the next day to inform my dad I was dating someone. Who did that dick think he was?

Sighing, suddenly more drained than before, I shook my head. “Let me guess, was that Texas messaging you?”

His jaw clenched again. “If it was?”
