Page 54 of Texas

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“No. Cody’s being an idiot.”

Texas faced Cody. “What guy?”

“Just a douche at the coffee house Maya had been in.”

“Yes, and tell everyone what you yelled through the phone, please.” I sat back and glared.

Cody started chuckling. “I yelled that her gonorrhoea test results came back positive.”

The table erupted into laughter. Dad even reached over and patted Cody’s arm.

Texas turned to me and dipped his chin down while they talked about it. “Were you gonna go out with him?”

I jerked my head back in shock, eyes wide. “What? No. Not at all.”

He studied my face and then nodded before he went back to eating, contributing to the conversation when needed.

If my stomach wasn’t in such a state, I would have eaten more, but I couldn’t. I also skipped on dessert. Still, I enjoyed the night. It was always good to sit down with the whole family for a good meal. Even more so when Texas was beside me.

Goddamn, I was treading in thick water, and the surface led me to Texas each and every time.

Especially when he grinned at me like he was doing as we stood in the doorway while we said goodbye to everyone who had to leave.

“Hey, Maya, Texas. Cody and I are going to check out a band early tomorrow night at a local pub. Do you guys want to join us?”

“Oh, um….”

“I’ve got nothin’ on. Sounds good,” Texas said. He knocked his hip against mine. “You’ll come?”

Smiling, I nodded. “Sure.” Back to Channa, I said, “Thanks for the invite.”

“No problem. Thanks again for dinner, Zara,” she called.

“You’re welcome, sweetheart. Drive safe, Cody.”

“Will do, Mum.”

“Later,” Texas called with a salute, his gaze on me for an extra beat before he spun and walked away. I closed the door, turned, and leaned against it. Dad had already disappeared, but there stood Drake, Ruby, and Mum.

“You were really smooth, sis. Didn’t actanydifferent,” Drake said.

“Really?” I asked, brows high.

He snorted. “No.” He chuckled, shaking his head as he walked off. “Night, all.”

We all called back good nights, mine a little grumblier than Mum’s and Ruby’s.

Ruby smiled brightly. “This is going to be epic. I can’t wait until you two get together.”

“I’m not sure that’ll happen.” There went that hope again, doing somersaults in my belly.

Ruby laughed, and even Mum cackled as she stepped close and kissed my cheek. “Get some rest. It’s good to have you home.”

“Thanks, Mum.” It was good to be home. Though, when it came to Texas, I wasn’t sure my heart or head could take what could happen if we continued to dance around this unspeakable thing between us.



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