Page 57 of Texas

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His hands rose in front of him. “No trouble. Didn’t know she was yours.”

Crossing my arms over my chest, I nodded. “Now you do.”

The guys fled just before Maya looked over her shoulder. I grinned down and she moved close. “Enjoyin’ them?”

“Actually, yeah. They sound better in person.”

Nodding, I tapped her nose, and she smiled before turning back to the band.

I wanted to put my hands on her waist and pull her against me like she was already mine and I could lean down and kiss her neck, her cheek, and her lips. I clenched my hands at my sides as my heart went crazy in my chest at the thought of doing those things.

I’d give my left nut for Maya to turn around and kiss me.

Actually, I’d give both my nuts for Maya to turn and tell me her feelings had never changed. That she still wanted me.

Unfortunately—well, not really unfortunate, since I wanted to keep both my balls—that didn’t happen.

Instead, I dipped down close to her ear and said, “Gonna get drinks. Stick close to your brother.”

She turned her head enough to catch my gaze, and she nodded.

I ran my eyes over her face and noticed how close we were.

Could I lean in and kiss her?

Would she want me to?

Was it too soon?

Fuck. I didn’t know, and until I got a clear signal from her, I wouldn’t risk it. Not yet.

Straightening, I caught Coyote’s attention and jerked my chin towards the front. “I’ll grab drinks. You stay here.”

“You got it, brother,” he called.

As I made my way to the bar, I kept glancing back in case Coyote’s attention was only on his woman, leaving Maya unprotected. He was lucky, it wasn’t. At the bar, I took a stool and waited my turn while watching Maya sway her hips side to side.

There went the fluttering in my gut again.


I’d never had that reaction before or even thought of that word.

In the past, my dick got hard over women, but the rest of my body hardly reacted. That was until Maya had opened my eyes.

Smirking, I shook my head at my own thoughts.

Glancing back down the other end of the bar, I glared at the two bartenders talking with, no doubt, some of their mates and ignoring the rest of us. I rested my elbows on the bar and leaned down for the wait.

A sigh sounded beside me on the right. I glanced there to see a redheaded woman before looking over my shoulder to the dance floor. With a smirk, Coyote still watched both of them while they danced.

“Do you think they’ll ever get down here?”

Shit. The woman was trying to talk to me. I was sure of it.

Wanting to get out of there quickly and back to Maya, I put a couple of fingers between my lips and whistled. The bartenders looked our way, and I waved them over.

“Thank God,” the woman said. “Thanks.”
