Page 83 of Texas

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As I drove, my phone rang, and since I’d plugged it into Texas’s charger it was already connected to the car, I pushed the button to answer Easton’s call. We’d grown closer when I started working as a paramedic, but more so after what had happened.

“Hi, Easton.”

“Hey, Maya. What are you up to today?”

“Just heading to Channa’s bakery and grabbing some breakfast to take to Texas at his work.”

He groaned. “Boy, would I love some of Channa’s muffins right about now.” I heard laughter in the background. “Shut up, Parker. You know that’s not what I meant.”

Snorting, I grinned.

“Ignore the childishness in the background, Maya. Are you doing anything after that?”

“I have a free afternoon.” But tonight I wanted to spend with Texas. My heart gave off an extra beat in agreement.

“Parker, Lan, and I are coming to Ballarat. Lan’s going to see his cousin, and I was wondering if you… I mean, you don’t have to, but I thought it might be good to see some people at the depot.”

My pulse raced, and I quickly slowed to pull over down the street from Channa’s. I pressed a hand over my heart as my stomach clenched.

I needed to make a decision about work. Not only had I forced the thought of work away, but also the people there. They’d tried to reach out. They’d tried to be there for me. But I wasn’t handling life well at the time they made contact, and then when I could, they’d stopped trying, and I never returned their calls or texts. Guilt twisted inside me. The depot and the people reminded me too much of what I’d lost in one night. Not only John, but the way I’d felt safe.

Still, maybe I’d put off going there long enough. With Easton by my side, some of my stress would be eased more so than it would by arriving on my own.

“Maya? You don’t have to. I’m not pushing you to go there.”

“It’s okay. I-I want to, but… I still don’t know if I want to work there in the end.” Did that make me a chicken? If I quit, did it make me weak?

“Honey, you don’t have to choose. Not now. Not in a week. Only when you’re ready.”

He was right that I had pretty much indefinite leave, considering the attack happened during work time. Knowing work wasn’t forcing me to return helped me breathe easier.

“You’ll stick with me?”

“Like glue.”

“It’s not that I don’t like the people there,” I added quickly.

“But it can be overwhelming. I get it.”

“I’d like to go with you, Easton.”

“Okay, honey. Do you want me to pick you up from Texas’s work or will you be home?”

“His work, please.”

“You got it. I already know where it is. I’ll be there around three.”


“And, Maya, even if we arrive at the depot and you don’t want to go in—that’s all right too.”

“All right,” I whispered with a nod. We ended the call, and I stared out the window towards Channa’s bakery, thinking that this would be good for me. It wasn’t long ago when Devlin suggested a visit to work, saying it could help me make up my mind so I could make a decision about my future. At the time, I’d shot the thought down. Now, I clung to the small amount of strength to help me get through this and hopefully come out in the end with a plan.

Drawing in a deep breath, I ignored the rising anxiety by biting down on my bottom lip and pulled out to park closer to Channa’s.

The bell jingled as I entered. Channa glanced over from behind the counter and greeted me with a warm smile before she went back to serving her current customer. A lot of the tables were full, which didn’t surprise me because the food was delicious.

“Hey, Maya,” Denise called. She worked with Channa and was also a good friend of hers.
