Page 87 of Texas

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“You feel you want to?”

Her hand ran up my chest. “Yes. I need to move forward. I need to make my choice, and this might help me do that.”

“Okay, babe.” I tucked some of her hair behind her ear and cupped the side of her neck. “Even if you don’t pick, it doesn’t matter.”

“Texas, I’m wandering around, doing nothing with my life. I need a job.”

“But you don’t need to rush, and don’t choose your old work because you’re worried about your future. Be completely sure you want to go back, Maya. Can you do that? Because even if you don’t go back, you’ll find something else. There’re other jobs out there.”

She let out a soft sigh and nodded. “Okay.”

I pulled her close and kissed her. Just a brief one. “Want me to come?”

She grinned. “Thank you for offering, but I’m not sure my boss will be happy if I showed up with my man. Easton I can get away with.”

“All right, babe. Just know if you need me, I’ll be there.”

She melted into me, burying her face in my shoulder and neck. “You’re being too sweet again.”

Chuckling, I stood with her in my arms and then placed her on her feet. “I’ll stop. Feed me, wench.”

Her hands shot to her hips and her expression morphed into a pissed one. When I started laughing, she shoved me and stalked out. I followed her, not only because I knew there was food, but because I’d follow her anywhere.

When Easton arrived later, I pulled him aside while Maya was chatting with Parker who was driving them.

“I know you’ll have her back, but watch for signs of her being overwhelmed.”

Easton nodded. “I will.”

“If she looks stressed, get her out.”

He gave me a small smile. “I know, Texas.”

“Don’t let her boss talk her into anythin’ out of guilt.”

“I won’t. I’ll take care of her.”

Nodding, I looked towards Maya, watching her laugh about something. I rubbed the back of my neck, feeling uneasy about her going. Was it too soon? Would she just jump back into working?

Easton’s hand landed on my arm. “Don’t worry. I’ve got her.”

I tipped my chin up.

“You care for her, yeah?”

“She’s mine.”

His eyes widened. “Does she know?”

Some of the tension eased when I chuckled. “Yeah, she knows.” Maya and Parker approached Easton from behind. “Don’t you, babe?”

“Don’t I what?” she asked, coming right at me to curl her arm around my waist, and I put mine around her back. Both Easton and Parker looked on with wide-eyed shock.

“You know you’re mine, right?”

Maya blushed. “Not when you’re annoying.”

Parker snorted, swinging an arm around Easton’s shoulders to tug him in close. “Isn’t that always?”
