Page 36 of With Every Breath

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We stared at each other, and I thought, maybe, I saw the answering flare of desire in his eyes. Restless, I stood from my chair, lifting my plate and his and carrying them to the sink. I rinsed them quickly and put them in the dishwasher.

I heard a motion and turned to see that he had stood and crossed over to toss his beer bottle in the recycling bin under the counter. He lifted my empty wine glass. “Dishwasher?”

At my nod, he put it in the dishwasher and turned to close it. I stood by the counter, with my hands curled over the edge and my heartbeat echoing through my body. I was hot all over, my skin tingling as I looked at him.

Jonah crossed the kitchen to me, his steps slow. He was clearly favoring his left leg, and I asked, “Should you be on your feet?”

He stopped in front of me, placing one hand and then the other beside my hips, each movement purposeful and deliberate. “I’m fine.”

With his green gaze boring into mine, I could hardly catch my breath. His eyes searched mine for a moment before he said, “I want you, Alice.”

I let out a startled gasp. “Well, that was blunt,” I sputtered.

“I thought maybe I should just get right to the point,” he said, his voice low and gravelly.

Shivers raced through me, and I felt myself arching like a cat when he dipped his head and dropped a hot kiss on the side of my neck. I let out a little whimper, and then he dropped another hot kiss on the soft skin below my jaw. I bit my lip and couldn’t hold back my moan.

He proceeded to make love to the sweet spot along the side of my neck, driving me to distraction in the process. When I whimpered his name, he lifted his head. At the loss of his lips on my skin, I felt bereft, as if he had stolen something from me.

We stared at each other, the air charged with desire. He lifted a hand, brushing the loose curls away from my cheek. “Tell me what you want, Alice.”

I swallowed and tried to take a breath while my heart rampaged in my chest, wild and out of control. I licked my lips before answering with the plain and simple truth. “You.” I placed my palm on his chest, almost relieved to feel his heart kicking hard and fast. Belatedly, I added, “But you’re hurt.”

His eyes skated over my face, dipping down. My nipples tightened in response when his gaze lifted to mine again. “Not really.”

His mouth claimed me with a devouring kiss. I didn’t have time to think. I didn’t want to think.

Jonah was a commanding kisser. My knees were weak and wobbly. I felt as if I were melting with every bold stroke of his tongue against mine. His hand slid to cup the back of my neck, his thumb brushing along the sensitive skin right behind my ear. Every touch sent a shower of sensation raining through me.

Just when I thought I could barely take it anymore and I was desperate for air, he broke free, leaning his head back and sucking in a deep breath. I gulped in several breaths. We stared at each other in the light cast over the sink.

His hand loosened at the back of my neck, and he lifted it, murmuring, “Can I take this out?” He tugged lightly on the elastic holding my hair in a ponytail.

Wordlessly, I nodded. The feel of his fingers tugging it free sent a shiver over my scalp and down my spine. He tossed it on the counter before sliding his fingers through my hair.

My eyes fell closed as I took a breath. I didn’t know what it was about Jonah and the effect he had on me, but every touch sent fire spinning through me, the flames licking higher and higher inside. The scorching heat of need threatened to engulf me.

I dragged my eyes open, and we stared at each other. I could hear the rush of blood with every drumming beat of my heart. Before I could think further, his hand slid free of my curls, reaching for one of mine as he tugged me away from the counter.

“Where —?” I began.

My question was cut off by his mouth as he tugged me close, spinning me around. We were moving, and I broke free to protest, “Your knee!”

He ignored me. His gait was uneven, but in another moment, we were in the living room. He sat down on the couch, pulling me onto his lap. I discovered I could kiss Jonah perhaps forever. One kiss melted into the next. I didn’t know when it happened, but I was straddling him, rocking over the hard ridge of his arousal. The friction of the fabric between us tightened the sensations spinning through me. I felt like a string being pulled taut to the point it may snap.

“Slow down,” he murmured against my throat.

I shivered, arching into him, savoring the feel of his teeth grazing along the sensitive skin at the base of my throat. “I can’t!” I gasped as he cupped a breast, his fingers teasing lightly over my ruched nipple.

He chuckled, lifting his head and palming my cheek. His thumb traced along my bottom lip, and I couldn’t resist nipping at it. His hips rocked upward into mine.

In another moment, his hand dropped away, and he pushed my blouse off my shoulders, murmuring, “I need to see you.”

“You’ve already seen me naked,” I teased.

His gaze lifted to mine as he hooked a palm under the hem of my tank top, pushing it up and letting it ride up his wrists. “Not good enough. That was definitely at a distance,” he whispered gruffly as he pushed my tank top up over my breasts.

I lifted my arms, and he whipped it up over my head where it fell with a rumple on the floor.
