Page 24 of Marquess of Fortune

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But with East cutting him off, Ace had to find another path to help his brothers and sisters. And the only one forward was next to Emily.

“You were just what?” she asked, sounding breathless.

“I just think I’m no good for you.”

“Oh,” she whispered so softly, he almost didn’t hear it. “But the Earl of Somersworth would be?”

Ace grimaced, hating the next words. “He has money, power, a legitimate title. He could care for you.”

Emily nodded, looking down the path. Then she looked back at him again. “There is only one problem. He doesn’t make my heart flutter wildly in my chest.” And then she blushed.

Ace had already known, of course, that she was attracted to him. But her words… The admission that Ace made her heart flutter in her chest had every fiber of his body clenching in response. He wanted to kiss her.

He wanted to hold her in his arms. The rest of the world could hang.

Mirabelle’s laughter floated up to him and he closed his eyes, remembering why he cared about the rest of the world after all. Or at least his little corner of it. “I can’t give you the life you’re accustomed. The life you deserve.”

“I don’t care about any of that.”

He shook his head. She didn’t care now because she had every opportunity at her disposal. But would she think differently if she was tied to a man who couldn’t give her what she’d been accustomed to? “I have to do what’s best for my siblings, Emily. They need me to succeed, which is why I need your brother as an ally. I can’t anger him by courting you.”

Her face fell, her lips pulling down and then trembling. “I…I see.”

“Mirabelle and my other siblings count on me.” He didn’t know why he explained other than he wanted her to understand. Somehow, he felt like he owed her that.

She nodded. “I care about Mirabelle too.” She drew in a long breath. “Why don’t you come for dinner on Friday? I’ll make certain my brother is in attendance and that he’s receptive to hearing about your plan for the gaming hell.”

His brows lifted. It’s what he’d hoped for, but now that he’d reached his goal, he didn’t like it one bit. He was the sort of man who cared for a woman, not the other way around. “I’ll convince your brother without your help, Emily. You should attend your own future. Not mine.”

“I’m attending Mirabelle’s too,” she said with a small smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “And mine is already decided, no? I can just marry the earl. Done. Easy.”

She’d not repeated those word until this moment, at least not to Ace, and he realized he despised them on her lips. He liked it far better when she was denying she’d consider the Earl of Somersworth. “Easy.”

She gave a quick nod as they stopped to wait for Mirabelle and Rush.

“I mean it, Emily, you needn’t intercede on my behalf. I’ll see my family through. I always do.”

She didn’t answer as she looked at Mirabelle. He wanted to ask what she was thinking but he wasn’t certain he had the right.

The rest of the outing passed without any more private conversation between them, though Ace found he couldn’t tear his gaze from her. Her eyes sparkled, her smile warmed his insides, and the gentle sway of her body stole his breath.

He found himself wondering if there might be another way…a way to provide for his family and make Emily his. Because the more he looked at her, the more he knew he couldn’t give her up without at least trying.
