Page 44 of Descendant

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“You look amazing too, babe,” Red cut in.

“Right back at you guys, just wow,” Violet replied, and it was true. If designing was Daniella’s passion, then dressing herself and Red was her calling. They were stunning in gowns that could only be described as sisters, each with little pieces that nodded to and contrasted the other but not identical enough to be twins.

Red lifted the silk at her waist, a rich wine color with dark-gray accents that matched with her mate. “And look, this outside piece comes off and there’s a shorter skirt underneath, and it’s actually—”

“Ruby, you promised. Not until at least eleven o’clock,” Dani interrupted. Violet gawked.

“Your name is Ruby?” she demanded, stunned that, somehow, she didn’t know this about the girl she’d come to think of as her best friend.

“Eww. Yes.” Red made a face. “And baby, fine.” She turned to Dani. “But last time I was this covered up I was at church and ugh.” She shivered.

“You’ll manage. It’ll be well worth your while, darling,” Dani assured her in a tone Violet was sure made even Mikel blush.

Red kissed the air in her direction as a group descended upon them. Apparently, the Daniella Hawthorne social effect was marginally stronger than the Mikel Davis one, as people joined their cluster. An easy conversation started about last year’s ball.

Red turned back to Violet and mouthedboring. Then she said, “Want to go check out the food? Don’t know about you but I’m starving.”

She looked to Mikel, not wanting to ditch him with present company if he wasn’t having fun, but the smile he gave her was genuine. “Eat,” he insisted, leaning down to kiss her cheek.

His hand snaked around her waist to swat her discreetly on the rear. She turned back to glare at him while they were walking away, and he looked up from watching her ass to wink.

VIOLET WAS LISTENINGto Etah recounting the latest town scandal of two cousins who’d mated. “Or at least it’s scandalous to the younger generations. The oldies seem to think it’s just fine, since they’re all about those ‘pure bloodlines,’” he was explaining when someone slid up behind her.

“Hey.” She accepted the kiss Mikel pressed to her lips and noticed the tightness in his face when he drew back. She followed his eyeline and forced her body to stay relaxed when she saw Kane making a beeline for them.

“Ah, Mikel and Violet,” Kane greeted them. Their group of friends fell back to give them space. “She makes a beautiful descendant,” he added at the sight of her eyes.

Mikel mumbled a tight-jawed thanks—he was no politician. Violet stepped forward just barely and into the spotlight. “You’re so kind,” she replied warmly with what she knew to be just the right amount of modesty. “What a wonderful event; the community is just amazing, and the food…” She pressed her hand to her chest appreciatively and ignored Mikel staring at her like she’d grown an extra head.

“I’m so glad you’re enjoying it,” Kane returned. They were singing from the same sheet music, all careful pomp and compliments. “How’s business?” he asked Mikel politely before someone interrupted.

“Kane, the elders want to ring the—Oh, Mikel.” The man’s eyes flitted to Violet. Something in her chest jumped.

“Yes,” Kane cut in quickly, “this is Violet, though from what you mentioned you’ve already met?”

Mikel’s grip tightened on her waist. She ignored it. Jared drew a breath to speak.

“Oh gosh, I’m so embarrassed,” Violet said quickly. The cold gray eyes of the alpha were flinty while they watched. “Jared, right?” The man only blinked at her, tight jawed. “I’m guessing you work in security. My family used a lot of services over the years. I’m pretty sure you picked me up from school once or twice as a kid. I was having a hard time adjusting, and I recognized you—” She paused to tuck her hair back behind her ear and look at Mikel. “Of course, now I feel ridiculous for getting so upset.” His face was stony, and if there was a worse costar for this performance, Violet couldn’t think who. She turned back to Jared. “I hope we can start over. I’m Violet.”

He took the proffered hand and her explanation, as expected.

“Uh—” He glanced to Kane. “No problem. Yeah. I’ve picked up work outside once or twice; that’s probably it.”

“Small world,” Kane supplied congenially, but Violet still felt his gaze on her.

“Absolutely,” she agreed. “Well, I hope we haven’t taken up too much of your time. It sounds like you’re needed.” She held Kane’s gaze confidently. “Thank you for a lovely event.”

They parted with polite goodbyes, and he was barely out of earshot when Red was beside them with worry on her face. “All good?”

“Yeah,” Violet assured her, squinting her eyes in a way she hoped conveyed she’d fill her in later.

Latercame another hour into the night when Mikel and Jack were talking business with a local restaurant owner looking to upgrade his booths.

“Hey, we’re leaving, what happened?” Red demanded while she hugged her.

“Nothing major,” Violet told her quietly. “He asked about the thing with me recognizing Jared, and I played it off like I was just new and scared. He knows something, but I don’t know how much.”

They parted, and Red’s face was grim.
