Page 57 of Descendant

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“No, it’s fine.” Violet grabbed her hand where it rested between them on the sofa. “I mean, it’s more than fine. Thank you. I love that I’m alive right now.” They shared a smile. “But roofie me again, and I’ll kill you,” she added, deadpan, and all was right between them.

Red’s gaze went to Mikel.

“You’re a good employee, Red. A good friend. I’m glad you listened to her when I didn’t,” Mikel said.

He turned back to the bookshelf, and Violet could practically feel him flagellating himself over that.

“Well now,” Margie spoke up. “Better late than never, Mikel Davis, son of Elias, rightful alpha of Forest Bluff. Question is, now you’ve accepted your truth, what are you going to do about it?”

DESPITE THE BITEof the cold air, it was warm by the fire he’d built in the ring just off the back deck, warm on the chaise with her body on top of his. Violet’s mind wandered. They’d dropped Red off at home after Mikel agreed she should talk to Dani, who was well versed in politics, given that her father was on the elder council. He suggested they all meet after the full moon was done, on Thursday. Daniella had called later and agreed.

Like it had been since Tim had found her, Violet’s mind slid back to the fact that she’d almost died. She was almost gone, gone for real, for good. She thought about Lila and wondered if that’s what she assumed by now anyway. Had they had a funeral for Violet in Frankston? Suspiciously, no local news would come up when she searched on her phone. Anything too specific seemed to trip the algorithm. Recipes, music videos, and basic how-tos were safe. She was still learning its limitations today before the world tilted on its axis.

“Can hear you thinking from here,” Mikel murmured.

She breathed in the scent of him: shower fresh mixed with home. He’d coaxed her outside earlier, insisting she’d want to get out later anyway, and he was right. Even with her mind racing and exhaustion looming, she appreciated being able to bask in the moonlight. She still felt that low, hot thrum of his energy and was still aware that her body needed something from his before the night was done.

“Just going over it all,” she admitted. “How does it feel to finally know you’re the real Slim Shady?”

He was quiet.

“The real alpha, grandpa,” she teased, pushing her palm against his chest affectionately. His fingertips stroked down her back.

“It feels like a lot of responsibility.” He parsed the words out slowly, giving each one individual weight. “How does it feel to be the alpha’s mate?” he asked, lighter.

“Same way it always has.” She shrugged. “Like this is where I’m supposed to be.”

Chapter Twelve

VIOLET HAD WOKENup alone, and the previous day’s events had started to come back, only this time, she had time, rest, and distance. She understood all of it in a different light. It had been a quick rush through the house to find him. She’d paused only a second in the shop doorway before she’d told herself it was stupid to be anxious and hurried through.

“It wasn’t an accident.”

Mikel looked up at her from the charred remains of his lifting bench. “No, it wasn’t,” he agreed. “It wasn’t just a way to remove you either. It was a message too.”

“Another explosion?” Her stomach twisted when he nodded.

It was strange to be standing where his gym used to be and looking at trees, grass, and sky. The far wall was totally gone, burnt remains of it scattered as far as she could see outside.

Mikel stood up and slid his fleece-lined plaid off his shoulders and around hers. “Let’s not rehash it until Dani and Red are here,” he suggested.

Violet pulled the warm material around herself. Itwasfreezing out there in just her pajamas—her pointedly tiny pajamas. The memory made her laugh.

“What?” Mikel smiled before she answered.

“Just remembering buying the smallest pajamas I could find to piss you off.”

“Brat,” he grumbled. “Watch your feet.”

She’d made it three steps back toward the house when he swooped her up behind the knees and just carried her.

“SO, WE’RE CONFIDENTit wasn’t an accident?” Dani asked when they’d finished taking turns filling in the events of the previous day. “Ruby told me there’s some history with your family, Violet, and the atta—accident in Frankston?”

Violet glanced to Mikel beside her. His face was drawn, unreadable.

“Yeah, that was also a gas explosion,” she explained, wondering if there would ever be a time when she wasn’t slightly intimidated by Daniella. Even today the woman was wearing slacks and an inky-blue silk blouse that looked more appropriate for the runway than their living room.

“So, it wasn’t an accident then,” Daniella concluded. “More like a message.” It was eerie to have Mikel’s words from the previous night repeated back to her.
