Page 61 of Descendant

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She was down on her knees before she’d made any conscious choice to move. Mikel was quicker after her. The tear of fabric was loud in the quiet of the night, then he was tossing away her ruined tank top. There was no time to be thankful they had no neighbors.

He took the hem of her shorts and yanked them down. She went to kiss him, surprised when he caught her around the throat and pushed her onto her back in the grass so he could get the shorts all the way off.

Her nipples were hard, skin prickled and freezing, but Violet’s insides burned, and she knew her eyes blazed the same gold as his. Mikel made fast work of his belt and his fly; then he yanked his jeans and boxers down enough for his cock to spring free. Her cunt ached at the sight of it, already hard, as it stood proudly away from his body, tip shiny in the moonlight.

“Get up for me.”

It was like moving through treacle; her body was slow, unwilling to do anything but lie there and wait for him to have her. She was halfway to her feet when he caught her.

“Like this.” He moved her onto her knees, pushed her down, and suddenly, she understood what they were doing.Breeding. The realization spread like fire through her, and she was slick, ready, aching.

“Please.” She needed him. Neededthe alpha, something whispered.

That they were outside never crossed her mind. There were no houses for miles, and even if there were, Violet doubted she’d care. Something touched her cunt, pressing wetly to where she was hottest, most sensitive, and slid pleasingly up and down. Her hips jerked when she realized it was his tongue. He growled low and loud, and her body was still.

She trembled while he worked her, his tongue cool against her heated flesh. Even in the cold of the night, sweat started to damp her skin. “Please, Mikel,” floated out of her like a mantra. Teeth nipped the back of her thighs, and she jumped, keened, and spread them further. His tongue grazed her clit, and she shuddered. “Please.”

“Please, what?”

He bit her ass cheek hard enough to make her squirm and cry out, “Breed me,” without overthinking.

Her knees were knocked apart, dropping her lower to the grass, then his hips pressed behind hers, as his belly pressed against her lower back. One hand caught her under the chin, and his lips found her ear.

“Like this?” He thrust forward. His cock slid wetly against her but not inside.

“Yes,” she whined, tilting her hips up to align them, begging him silently to try again.

He growled, pushed her down onto her elbows, and pressed his lips to her mark. “You’re mine, Violet Davis. Mine to love. Mine to fuck. Mine to breed.”

There was no time to answer. When he moved forward again. his cock found her entrance, pressed, and slid home. It was like sparks, like fire, like the drums from the moon circle were pounding in her blood, screamingright, fate, destiny.

Mikel bit her mark, pounded into her, kissed her, licked the sweat from her skin, and growled his approval into the night. Violet was powerless, lost to the pressure and the pleasure, lost to the demand in her blood to be bred by the alpha. They were loud: her voice against his grunts and the wet slap of slick skin, rough and raw.

When she climaxed, it was with her cheek in the grass and his teeth bloody in her mark while he came inside her. It was catharsis. Violet got one, long breath of relief with it done. Then, the ashes in her belly turned over, and the fire started anew. With grass-burned knees and naked under the waning moon, Violet pressed up onto him and knew it would be a long night.

FIVE DAYS LATER, her mark had already scabbed and healed from that night, but they were still insatiable.

“Smells good.” Mikel’s arms went around her, his chin on her shoulder while she worked over the stove. “You smell good.”

“I also feel you every time I sit down,” she shot back at him, yet her body still responded to his attention.

“You hurtin’?” he asked, more seriously.

“No,” Violet assured him. “Apparently, the wolfy sex drive came with a wolfy tolerance upgrade too.”

He chuckled. His phone sounded from between them, and he stepped back to retrieve it from his pocket.


Violet added the last of the ingredients to her stir fry and checked the recipe one more time before closing her phone.

“We’ll be there.” The ice in Mikel’s voice immediately caught her attention.

When she turned, he was already back beside her, reaching over her to turn off the stove. His face was grim.

“There’s an outsider being brought to the square at five,” he said, tight jawed.

Violet’s stomach hollowed out, dread settling in her bones.
