Page 64 of Descendant

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“The council has determined this human too dangerous to be permitted to leave the Bluff. Her knowledge is a threat to the preservation of our nature and the success of our pack. Her connection with Mikel Davis’s mate, Violet Page, is apparent. They are sisters.” Kane let the sentiment hang, and Violet felt the space that formed around her and Mikel. Where they’d once been two bodies in the crush, they were alone now, in their own bubble while the energy around them became distrustful, hostile.

“Quiet,” Mikel demanded into her ear, then he dropped his hand from her mouth. He held there, stoic behind her while dozens of eyes settled on them.

“A full investigation will be launched to determine who among us has compromised the safety of our community and violated our most sacred laws. At the vote of the elder council, it has been determined that this outsider came here through unendorsed channels and poses a threat to our way of life.”

Kane’s gaze found her, and Violet felt the words before he said them. She knew what was coming. He was daring her, taunting and tormenting her. “As such she will be destroyed.”

Mikel’s grip tightened on her.

“She’s just a child.”

Violet whirled in his grasp to see Daniella walking forward through the bodies that seemed to part easily for her. “How old can she be? Sixteen? Seventeen?” She oozed a smooth and calculating charisma most of the career politicians Violet had grown up with could only aspire to. “Surely, she can be rehabilitated. After all, we need new blood, do we not?”

“Daniella Hawthorne.” Kane rubbed his hands together as he took stock of his unexpected opponent. “Valid points. But the council has already decided. Under usual circumstances we would, of course, strive to add her to the bloodline, but we take exposing our community very seriously. The elder council feels a precedent should be set. A human life lost for the continued safety of the countless descendants who live here.”

Violet was tense, coiled tight, and unable to think beyond“destroyed”and Lila in the same sentence.

“She didn’t ask to be told,” another voice spoke up.

She was surprised to see Tim step forward from the crowd, brow furrowed, gaze darting between his father and Lila. She hadn’t thought about him since the explosion.

Kane seemed just as surprised when he turned to appraise his son.

“All the good hearts in this community are admirable, but as it is, the council has already decided,” he declared, voice devoid of any real feeling.

The words felt like they should have carried a weight of finality, but Violet could only see him as a pretender. Yet her dread still kept her cold, on edge.

“Mikel…” It was a whisper, and as she said it, her brain still wasn’t sure what would come after: a plea, a question, or an apology.

It didn’t matter. The verdict hung pregnant in the air. Violet was aware of Dani closing in beside them, and his words from earlier came back to her. Fear—for Lila, for him, and for how this would all end came to call. Kane nodded, and the fear was swallowed in a blaze of indignation.

In a blink, Lila was shoved. She landed hard on her knees on the cobblestones while the man who’d held her whipped the bow from behind his back and nocked an arrow. Violet twisted, pushed off her feet, and surged forward. Mikel staggered but kept hold of her.

The man drew the quiver back. Dani crashed into Violet and Mikel, and Violet was swallowed by the smell of her perfume while her arms came around her, and Mikel shoved her into Dani’s hold as he let her go.

The arrow flew. She felt his muscles tense, ready to leap.

“Wait!” Time moved fast and slow.

Mikel’s breath left him in a painedoof. She screamed.

One second the arrow was heading straight for Lila’s chest, then she was two feet to the side, still crouched, shoulders rising and falling fast while the arrow clattered uselessly to the cobblestones where she’d been a split second before.

“Wait!” Violet heard Dani demand again. Mikel was still beside her, half stooped, holding his stomach where she realized Dani had socked him to stop him.

Lila raised her head, dark hair stuck to her wet cheeks, eyes big and scared and ringed in gold.

The gasp that left Violet echoed in the crowd, then their mutual surprise gave way to uproar. The minute the stupor broke, Violet tried again to get to her sister.

“Wait,” Dani demanded, struggling to stop her. “This changes things. Just wait…” She was winded with the effort of holding Violet.

Mikel grabbed her again, and Violet shoved hard at them both, done with being restrained.

“That’s my little sister, you motherfucking thundercunts, get off me!”

Kane regained his composure, right as Lila found her eyes again.

“Quiet!” he demanded. “Quiet, please!”

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