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But what about logistics? Her life and business were on the West Coast, while his career was on the East Coast. And if by some miracle she was able to buy the chapel, she’d never want to leave. And she couldn’t ask Andrew to give up his career. So where did that leave them?

She turned her chair to face the window. The morning sun was still low in the sky. It was a beautiful day to be outside and breathe in some fresh air. Her thoughts returned to Andrew. Perhaps she should return his calls, and they could meet at the park. They could talk some more and maybe it would help her decide about the future.

She reached for her phone and found she had missed some calls. When her phone had kept ringing with inquiries from the press about Tula’s upcoming nuptials, Clara had silenced her ringer after work yesterday. She must have forgotten to turn it back up. She corrected that error.

The first message was from Andrew. “Clara, where are you? I’m at your apartment, but you aren’t here. Something has happened and we need to talk right away. It doesn’t matter what time it is when you get this, call me.”

What in the world was that about?

A knock at her office door had her turning at the same time Brooke opened the door. Her assistant’s face was creased with worry lines, and her eyes spoke of troubles to come.

Clara braced herself. “What’s wrong?”

“There’s something you need to see.” Brooke laid her tablet on the desk.

Surely it couldn’t be as bad as when Tula confronted her about the leak of the wedding details. But the look on Brooke’s face said otherwise.

The air caught in Clara’s throat as she glanced down at the display. Staring back at her was a photo of Tula smiling broadly. Wait. Was she wearing her wedding dress? What in the world?

She dragged her gaze to the headline.Tula Fox Dumped At Altar.

Clara gasped. Tula had her wedding?

Part of her felt sorry for Tula. Being left at the altar in front of guests and the press had to be rough—no matter who you were.

But Clara couldn’t honestly say she was surprised. Tula was a difficult, manipulative person. She wanted things done her way, and she didn’t worry about the cost to others. Case in point, stringing Clara along while Tula was planning her very own backyard wedding. And not making her final payment on what she owed Clara.

“I’m sorry,” Brooke said.

Shock quickly morphed into anger. All of those wasted days. She glanced up at Brooke. “You’re not the one who should be sorry.”

“Is there anything I can do?”

Clara handed her the tablet. “Not yet. I need a moment to digest this. Then we’ll have to do some disaster control. We have to protect our relationships with our vendors. I have no idea how we’ll smooth things over. Let me think about it.”

“I’m sure they’ll understand. This will affect you just as much as them.”

“But will they ever trust me again?” It infuriated her that Tula had risked not only damaging Clara’s business reputation but also her friendships with Maria, Gabi, and Selena—all of whom were contracted for the wedding.

“They are your friends. They’ll understand.”

“I don’t know. I wasn’t the only one counting on using this star-studded wedding for promotion.”

“On the plus side, our business wasn’t dragged through the mud with Tula.”

Clara hadn’t thought of it from that angle. “You make a good point.”

“I’m sure there will be other famous clients. You’re very talented. Anyone would be lucky to have you plan their wedding.”

Clara blinked repeatedly. “How did I get so lucky to have such a good friend?”

Brooke sent her a wavering smile. “Do you want me to hold your calls?”

Clara nodded. “Just for a little bit.”

“Will do.” Brooke closed the door on her way out.

Clara pulled up the article on her computer.Tula Fox was supposed to be married in her own backyard under the guise of it being her fiancé’s twenty-fifth birthday. Instead, the bride was left standing at the altar. Those invited to the festive event included Tula’s co-stars in her upcoming film,Vegas Engagement.
