Page 102 of Midnight Confessions

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Midge gasps. “Oh, for heaven’s sake, Hayden!”

The sound of Aleck and Hayden’s unabashed laughter dances across the dinner table. A tickled smile sweeps across Richard’s face. However crude Hayden’s comment was, the warmth of seeing both brothers laughing together is comforting.

“That girl is a disaster,” Richard adds.

“Richard…” Midge scolds.

“What, honey? She is.” He laughs. “I hardly see why Hayden puts up with her. Even with‘that mouth.’”


Laughter warms the table again.Finally,Aleck and his brother are becoming more loose, more comfortable with each other.

“She had far too much champagne, of course. When she popped the heart-shaped butter into her mouth because she thought it was white chocolate, then offered to give me a handjob under the table, I decided I should get her out of there before she did something worse… Or I did.”

Midge rolls her eyes dramatically, shaking her head while the boys continue laughing.

* * *

An hour passes comfortably.The men tell stories about the countless embarrassing moments they’ve experienced at galas, fundraisers, and the like. The sound of chit-chat, laughter, and silverware clanking against plates as we eat and enjoy each other’s company lifts the tension until it’s gone.

But somewhere in the back of my mind, I remind myself that this won’t happen again. That Aleck and I aren’tactuallydating, and that I’m notactuallyhis girlfriend.

If I gave into my nature, I’d convince myself that Aleck is changing. I’d convince myself that even though we’ve decided we’d only be giving each other everythingtemporarily, he might actually want to see me after the wedding because of how close we’ve become.

But my practical side, therationalone, the side who walked into my ex’s office to find him thrusting his dick into his secretary’s mouth like it was the key that unlocked Pandora’s box, is well aware of the finality of our situation.

“You’re my girl,” he said.

Yeah, I know he said it. And in this moment, Iamhis girl. But this is fleeting, right? When it comes time to say goodbye, he will,won’t he?

If I’m being honest with myself, I don’t want to say goodbye. The thought of having to makes my stomach achy and nauseous. He once told me he’d never sleep next to a woman, then he started sleeping next to me. Now I’m not sure if I can sleep without him. He’s become someone I didn’t realize I needed and however scary that realization is, the idea of not having him is far worse.

“Yes, of course. Let’s take a look…” Aleck’s warm timbre pulls me from my reverie.

Everyone stands from the table, so I join them, smoothing out my skirt while Aleck leans in and kisses my temple—a gesture I’ve grown to love.

“I’m going to look at my dad’s new car in the garage. Would you like to come?”

I scan the table, noticing Midge has already started to clear it. “No, you go ahead. I’m going to help your mom clean all this up.”

“Okay,” he says, looking up at Hayden, who answers his phone, then leaves the room.

“I’ll be fine,” I reassure him.

He leans in, curling his arm around my waist, then presses his lips to mine. A combination of warmth and electricity ripples through me. If there is a question that he and I are more than friends, or roommates, or whatever, he’s just answered it.

“I won’t be long.” His hand slides down my back a couple of inches, then he gives my butt a gentle smack before stepping back with a wink.

Lord have mercy.

If our relationship continues after the wedding, I’ll get nothing done. Now, he and I always have wedding plans, people surrounding us, looming decisions hanging over our heads. If we actually do this, I want to spend an entire week in my bed or his. I’ll never be able to get enough of him. I shake off the thought, trying to keep the flutter of swarming butterflies at bay, and grab a few plates from the table.

“Thank you, sweetheart,” Midge says, grabbing a mixing bowl from a cupboard nearby.

“Of course. I’ll start on these dishes.”

As I load the dishwasher, Midge whips egg-whites, sugar, and butter into frosting. “Aleck is crazy about you,” she leans in and whispers.
