Page 119 of Midnight Confessions

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“Oh, my god! Sondra, why didn’t yousaythat?”

“I’m sorry, honey. Aleck called Preston so early and we just assumed you knew. When I called, I wasn’t expecting you to be asleep. Then I thought maybe you two were together, and you were resting in the hospital... I don’t know. I thought he would have woken you.”

“Well, he didn’t.” The words leave a bitter taste on my tongue. “Is Richard okay?”

“I don’t think so.” Sondra’s frown is clear in her tone.

The room started to spin, causing me to plop onto Aleck’s bed.He’s gone. He left without telling me, without waking me. Richard…

“Shit…” A realization hits me. “Midge! She’s probably a wreck.”

“I’m sure, but she has her boys. Listen, Preston is leaving now—”

“He talked to Aleck?”

“Yeah…” There’s an undeniable hesitancy in her tone. “Aleck called before he left the resort. We didn’t want to bombard him with questions regarding you. I should have called you right away, babe. I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine.”

It’s not fine…

The air grows thick, too thick to bring enough into my lungs, making me lightheaded. Taking weak, shallow breaths, I squeeze my eyes shut.He’s gone.He left without me. He called Preston…


“He’ll call, Winter. I’m sure of it. We all had a long day and night. He’s probably trying to be thoughtful by letting you sleep. When Preston leaves, I’ll have my bags packed into my car, then I’m coming over. Stay calm, sweetie. Maybe call to let him know you’re aware of the situation…”

“Yeah, okay.” The words are leaving my lips, but my brain is left behind in a haze of uncertainty about us and sadness for his family. “I’ll call him. I’m sure he’s just dealing with everything. Just… come over when you can.”

“Okay, honey. See you soon.”

Sondra hangs up the phone, leaving me alone.


The hollowness of this once lively suite becomes louder and louder by the second. With a shaky hand, I scroll through my recent calls and hit Aleck’s name. I pad barefoot back to my bed, feeling sicker with every unanswered ring, then his voicemail.


The robotic prompt tells me to leave a message like a beacon, guiding me to a conclusion I don’t want to admit to myself. But somehow I know. Iknewlast night.

“Aleck… Sondra just told me what happened.” Swiping my hand over my face, not completely sure what to say. “I’m so sorry…” My voice now a whisper. “What can I do? I’ll bring food, or coffee, or whatever you guys need. I want to help in any way I can. If you want me to, of course…” I draw a deep breath into my lungs as tears well in my eyes. “Okay… Call me… Just call me.”

I stand, feeling the weight of the silence, and walk down the hall into the living room. Looking around, the absence of Aleck pulls me under like quicksand.

No note, no text, no Aleck.


I wipe the tears that were destined to fall on this day and turn back to the hall. I pass Aleck’s room, eager to pack my things. I need to get out of here. No longer feeling like this is home. And if he calls, I want to be ready to go to him.

He’ll call. He’s just dealing with a lot. He’ll call,won’t he?

* * *

Restingmy cheek against the lush fabric of my couch cushion, I look around my apartment, finding less than zero comfort in it. I straighten my spine, lowering my feet to the area rug below. I reach for my tea, tapping the screen of my phone. No notifications. As if one would have slipped past me.

Bringing the mug billowing with steam to my lips, I glance at my bags still sitting by my front door, cringing at the thought of unpacking them.
