Page 146 of Midnight Confessions

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“Honey, jump on the deal or I will,” Sasha rasps into her microphone.

And Aleck’s eyes are on me, their pale blue is deep now. He squints, holding his confident posture, waiting for me to speak.

“Two conditions, Fox…”

He smiles again. “Name them.”

“One, I want to call you my boyfriend, and I want to be your girlfriend. No games, no expiration dates, or temporary arrangements. I want you to come to Sunday dinners at my dad’s and hang out with my brothers. I want you to sleep in with me on Saturdays and do couples’ things on Sundays. I want us to bereal.”

“Done. What else?”

“I want you to let yourself believe that you deserve me.”

The corner of his eyes wrinkle as his smile widens, beaming strong and bright. He hands the microphone to Sasha and the second she takes it, he’s walking my way. I stand as he steps down from the stage, disregarding the steps completely. He strides toward me with purpose and when he reaches me, I waste no time throwing my arms around his shoulders as his lips collide into mine.

His hands slide over my cheeks and he holds my face in place. His lips possessive, his tongue finding mine as the crowd around us cheers, hollers, and whistles.

Aleck’s hands leave my face, then slide over my ass before he hoists me up. I wrap my legs around his waist, and he pulls his mouth from mine slightly, smiling against my lips.

“I love you so fucking much.”

“I love you, too,” I say breathlessly.

His lips press to mine for a moment, his pale blues grabbing ahold of my honey-browns before he speaks into my lips. “Say it again.”

“I love you,” I purr.

He kisses me softly. “Again.”

And I giggle. “I love you, Aleck Rexford Fox. I will love you even when you make me so mad I want to pull your hair out by your impeccable roots.”

“Alright, cats and kittens,” Sasha is back on the mic, ending our reunion even though I’m wrapped around Aleck like a snake and every damp eye in the building is on us. “The requests are coming in and it looks like we have a surge of love ballads.” She chuckles with a wink.

Aleck slides me down his chest, whispering in my ear, “You look absolutely stunning in this dress. I can’t wait to take it off of you.”

I smile and his gaze turns feral.

“We’re leaving.”

“Where are we going?” I ask with a chuckle.

“We’re going home.”

Grabbing my purse off the table, I look at my three best friends who are currently smiling so big, their faces look pained.

“I’ll call you guys later?”

“Go get your happy ending, honey,” Sondra says

“We love you,” Keith and Dottie say in unison.

I turn back to Aleck, and he grabs my hand and leads the way to the exit. When we step out into the chilled oceanic air, I halt, pulling at his hand.

“Wait a minute…”

He stops and wraps an arm around my waist. “What do you need, baby?”

“How do you knowIwant to move in withyou? How do you know I don’t wantyouto move in withme? It’s the twenty-first century, Aleck.”
