Page 150 of Midnight Confessions

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“Your wish is my command.” I rub my hands up and down her thighs, warming them with her body heat. “It’s just something I realize I’ve wanted to give you since the moment you agreed to be mine.”

“Aleck, you didn’t have to get me anything.”

I slide open the drawer next to her legs.

“You’re enough,” she adds. “You and those abs are enough. You, those abs, and that gigantic dic—” She stops, the words lodging in her throat when my hand pulls an open velvet box from the drawer, and the sparkle from the diamond inside catches the flicker of the candlelight.

Her eyes slowly lift from the velvet box to mine.

“Winter Elizabeth Sommers, my favorite season… You are my absolute favorite person on this planet. You make my life warm and vibrant, and I cannot live one more day without being able to call you my wife.”

Her lips part, but no words come out. She puts her hands on my shoulders and hops off the counter to stand in front of me. My heartbeat is in my throat and although Iknowshe loves me enough to say yes, that little voice pops up in times like these.

She’ll never love you enough. You’re not good enough for her. Too selfish, too damaged…

I blink away the shit in my head that I know isn’t true, and bend down to one knee, wearing nothing but black boxer briefs and a smile.

“I love you, Winter. I think I always have, and I know we haven’t been together long, but… I want to renegotiate terms.”

Her big brown eyes blink at me a few times before her lips part on a shaky breath. “What are your terms, Mr. Fox?” she breathes, looking stunned, but elated.

“Marry me. Marry me, and I’ll make you the happiest woman on the planet. I’ll never tire of you, I’ll never want anything more than the amazing life we’ll build together, and I’ll never be unsure that we haveeverythingwe need in each other.”

Tears well in her beautiful honey-brown eyes, and I know,Iknow, that the only thing I’ll ever regret from here on out, is not finding her sooner.

“Also,” I add. “I’ll give you the best orgasms of your life. As often as you want, every day, for the rest of our days. And babies, I’ll give you babies, too.”

Her smile reaches her eyes and a laugh bubbles in her chest. “One condition…”

I stand at my full height, looking down at my girl, pulling the ring from the velvet box, then tossing the box on the counter. “Name it.”

“I want three kids, minimum. And a dog. Oh, and I want to go to France for our honeymoon. Paris is the city of love after al—”

I cut her off with my mouth. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her into our kiss deeper, pressing my hard body to her soft one with so much passion I fear I could burst.

I pull away slightly. “Agreed. Permission to put a ring on it now.”

“Permission granted.”

Our teeth clank as I smile into her mouth, then pull away and take her hand into mine. I slip the giant fucking diamond that cost more than three of my cars combined on her finger and kiss her knuckles.

“It’s beautiful,” she purrs. “How did you know I’d like rose gold over platinum?”

“I know my baby…” I say, then hoist her up by her luscious ass.

She yelps, wrapping her legs around my waist, and giggles into my neck. The best feeling in the entire fucking world.

“Let’s go put some babies in you,” I say, striding through the dining room to the hallway.

“No way, not yet.” She giggles and squirms in my arms. “Sondra’s been sick from morning to night every day for three weeks. She can’t even eat cheese. Can you believe that? No cheese! Plus, I don’t want to share you just yet.” She kisses my neck, making my cock come alive in my briefs.

I kick our bedroom door open and drop her onto our bed.

“I want aminimumof one year with just us,” she says. “Snuggling, laughing, midnight ice cream dates, and those orgasms you promised me.”

Her words melt into me like rays from the sun. This woman, the woman that makes my heart race, and my mind wander to her no matter where I am or what I’m doing, is madly and deeply in love withme.

And I’m madly and deeply in love with her.
