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I was terrified to be kicked out of the Fox family so I buckled down. I started doing well in school, I followed the rules, I started brushing off stress instead of succumbing to it. Later, I took an interest in the family business when Hayden was disappearing on weekend coke benders. But for me, disappointing Richard and Mildred Fox wasn’t an option. Losing control wasn’t an option. So now, I’m in control of all things and I never,everlet a person make me feel out of control.

Until I met this little spitfire standing in front of me now.

“Is everything okay?” Winter asks.

“Uh, yeah.” I shift on my stool. “Everything’s fine. I was just talking to my father.”

“About Hayden?” She leans against the countertop next to me, setting an empty wine bottle on the island.

“Yeah. He’s been calling me, and I haven’t answered. He thought sending our dad after me would change things, but it’s only made me more irritated.”

“Would you like to talk about it?”

Winter has a way of making me feel like the world stops when she looks at me. Like, to her, there isn’t anything more important than me in that moment, and that’s not a feeling I’m used to.

I smile, feeling Winter’s warmth exude from her body—the warmest winter I’ve ever experienced.

“No. I’m about two hundred fucks short of caring about my brother’s issues. But I do want to talk about how incredible you look.”

Winter rolls her eyes—as she does—and turns to walk around the island. My eyes immediately drop to her bubbly ass wrapped in a tight, velvet, off-the-shoulder, mini cocktail dress. The dark emerald fabric clings to her body, showing her figure, making her legs look a mile long. Especially in those heels.

“Thank you,” she says. “Of course, you always look incredible. Can you do me a favor, Aleck?” Her tone flattens. She turns around to meet my eyes.

“Anything.”Just ask, angel.

“If you haven’t already told Preston about us, about what we’ve done, can you not?”

Well, this is new.

I’ve had women fight each other to be seen on my arm. A certain socialite vlogger in New York plastered pictures of me passed out in my bed to prove she spent the night in my guest room. Women typically clamor to attend publicized events with me. Last year,The New York Manmagazine named me New York’s most eligible bachelor after I hosted a charity event that not only saved Angel’s Wings Orphanage from being closed, but granted them the ability to open three additional locations in Jersey, Chicago, and Seattle.

I’m a fucking catch.

But Winter Sommers of Port Blue, California wants to keep me her dirty little secret, and I don’t like the feeling.

Contrary to what people expect from me, I don’t entertain married women. If I can’t do it openly, I don’t do it at all. I have morals, after all. And I don’t give a shit what people think of my choices or my actions. But apparently Winter does.

Her eyes regard me with caution, pricking my skin with irritation.

“I haven’t spoken to Preston about our tryst, and I don’t plan on it. Anything else, Winter?”

“No.” She shakes her head, glancing through the window at her friends. “Thank you, Aleck.”

“No problem, Miss Sommers.”

She blinks her long lashes at me and smiles.

Admittedly, I woke up this morning thinking Winter and I could have breakfast together after my run. I imagined we’d take a shower together where we’d finish what we started last night. I’d fuck her under the pulsating stream of hot water, making her sing my name with that pretty voice of hers. Then we’d insist on starting our day, knowing we would only end up in her bed, then mine, then the couch, and so on…

But when she woke with the eager need to insist nothing else can happen between us, I knew she was right, yet I wanted to wrap her around my body all the same.Thatis not my idea of control. Not craving carbs because I’ve chosen not to have them is control.

Thisis like being told not to blink.

The feeling is haunting, and sticky, andloud.

Mental note: If I care about my wellbeing in the slightest, I need to stay the fuck away from Winter “Ball Crusher” Sommers.

