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Fucking blow me.

Then a muffled response from“Ted” Theodore Logan, and the sound of her keycard sliding through the door.

Mental note: Find out who the fuck this guy is and have his car impounded.

I adjust my attention back to my papers when the door opens and Winter stomps inside, lowering the temperature in the suite at least three degrees. Which, oddly, is theleastWinter-like thing she’s ever done. Typically, the room heats when she enters it.

My eyes are trained on the acquisition contract Trent sent over, but Ifeelher staring at me. The way I always feel her staring at me, but this time, her leering eyes slice shallow cuts all over my face.

Dragging my eyes from reading the same sentence over and over, they travel Winter’s body, from her feet to her seething stare. Her chest rises and falls with heavy breaths, making the corner of my mouth tug into a smirk.

“Nice date?”

Winter’s proverbial lid blowsimmediately. She snaps her index finger forward, pointing it directly at me. “You’re an asshole!” she yells, then turns on her heel and stomps through the hallway to her room.

What thefuckjust happened?

“Uh…” I’m off my stool, making large strides her way. “Want to fill me in on the memo I’ve missed, sweetheart?”

I push Winter’s ajar door all the way open just as she exits her closet with her arms stretched wide over a stack of my suits still attached to the hangers.

“What the fuck are you doing?”

“Don’tsweetheartme, Aleck! You broke our deal!” Her eyes wide, and her pupils blown with fury. It occurs to me I’ve seen her playfully angry and even mostly perturbed, but I’ve never seen her rage before.

Oh, my god, she’s literally turning into the Thing.Or maybe I got it wrong and she’s been the Hulk all along.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Winter.”

She blows a lock of her hair from her eyes with an exasperated puff, dumping the stack of suits into a pile at my feet. Then turns around and traipses back into the walk-in closet.

I follow behind her monumentally confused and a little turned on by her zeal, but I urge my dick to ignore the latter. The squeal of metal scraping against wood as she slides another armful of my suits across the hanger rod grates at my nerves.

“Winter, stop with the suits! What the fuck are you talking about?”

She drops the suits at my feet, her chest heaving with angry breaths. “We had a deal, and you broke it. So, your suits are getting evicted, Fox. Should I direct you to areallawyer so they can explain to you how verbal contractual agreements work?”

“Cute. But I did nothing of the sort.”

“Oh, now you’re lying.” She throws her arms up and laughs. “On top of everything else you are, addliarto the list.”

What in theeverloving fuck? She’s crazy. That’s the only explanation, certifiably insane.

“Grimm, honestly—”

“It’s Winter, asshole!”

“Well, my suits are on the floor instead of hanging up where we agreed they’d be. Should I explain toyouhow verbal contractual agreements work?”

Winter kicks her heels off, one flying past my shins, and honestly, I silently grit my teeth preparing for the impact that thankfully never comes. If you’ve ever taken a heel to the shin, you’d understand. Surprisingly—or maybenotsurprisingly—I’ve taken many. Winter drops her purse to the floor, preparing to fight me.

Let’s do this, Grimm.I would pummel you until you saiduncle.


Orplease give me more.

Winter’s brand of crazy makes my cock jump to attention and weep for the chance to see how wet, tight, and needy she is inside.
