Page 167 of Ruthless Protector

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He drove me toward the opposite end of the park, leaving Logan to meet the cops, and Freddy to get our car. The police were involved now. All it needed was one mention of our name along with the mention of a murder and a child kidnapping and it’d be everywhere. We didn’t need that…we couldn’t have that.

Not now.

I moved by Lazarus’s force alone as he led me away from the witnesses and out of the gate. The black Explorer pulled up fast. Lazarus had the rear door open in an instant and pushed me inside. My mind was numb as I reached for the baby seat beside me, then stopped. She didn’t need securing, didn’t need checking. Because she wasn’t in there.

Car doors closed with athudbefore we pulled away from the park and slipped into the traffic. Freddy drove fast, diving his attention between the cars in front of us and the rear-view mirror as he took the first side street he could. I wrapped my arms around myself, holding on as my mind replayed that moment the gunmen came up to me over and over again.


I flinched with the sound in my head, staring into nothing. Laz’s phone rang but he ignored it, instead focusing on getting me as far away from the police as possible. I clenched my fingers as that flutter in my belly turned into a stab of pain. I let out a moan and rocked forward.No…no…

“Kat?”Laz jerked his head around, his eye wide. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

I gripped the back of the seat, my nails digging into the leather as the stabbing pain slowly subsided. “I’m okay…I’m okay.” My breaths were heavy, my mind strained.

The four-wheel drive swayed as it too the corner hard.

“Doc Nelson,” Freddy muttered, glancing Laz’s way. “Call him.”

“Do you need the doctor, baby?”

I lifted my gaze, finding fear in my husband’s eyes. But the sudden pain faded, leaving me breathless. “No.” I shook my head. “No, I’m okay.”

Freddy glanced over his shoulder, then turned back, concentrating on the road. Panic moved through me. I focused on my breaths and trying hard not to break down as Freddy drove us back across the city and pulled into the entrance of the warehouse, stopping at the towering gate. The sensor flared, sending the gate rolling open.

We were through in a heartbeat, pulling around the rear and braking. Laz was out of the car in a heartbeat, yanking open my door and pulling me out. “What happened?” Concern raged in his eyes.

I shook my head. “I don’t know.” I pressed my hand against my belly.

That dangerous stare from Laz only grew harder. I knew he was thinking the same thing. If I lose this baby…

We’d never be the same again.

I stepped out of the open door, leaving Laz to shove it closed and take my hand. “I’ll get her back, baby. Just don’t fall apart on me. Can you do that? Can you hang on?” His gaze moved to my belly as we headed to the warehouse. “Can you just please let me take the burden of this.”

The grating sound of steel cut through the air as the roller door lifted, then we were inside. The other men were waiting for us, standing there, guns strapped across their shoulders, armed to the teeth. “I want this fucker found,” Freddie barked at them. “Every cell reception, every correspondence, every second of this bastard’s life I want ripped apart.” He took a step toward Hercules, who towered over everyone else. “You find the man that took Sophie, and you bring him to me. Do you understand? I want him alive.”

A shiver rippled through me at the words. But it was Laz who scared me. Laz who worked the buttons of his black shirt and reached for a T-shirt on the desk at the end of the warehouse. Crates filled the space at the end of warehouse. Ones I’d never seen before.

“Do you think this has something to do with Tobias?” Freddy muttered.

Laz tugged his shirt low.

Freddy took a step toward him. “One minute he’s out of our lives, then the next his damn sister is taken by the Order. You know who runs that, don’t you? Whoreallyruns that?”

“I know,” Laz muttered, and glanced my way. “If Hale is involved in this, then you can bet we’re going to go to war. But until then…until we find out more, I’m focusing on one thing and one thing alone…getting my goddamn daughter back.”

Halestrom Hale…

My father.

Lazarus strapped on his holster, securing it in place before he loaded it with guns.

I needed him like this.

I needed him desperate.

I needed him consumed with rage.
