Page 48 of Ruthless Protector

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But I kept on walking. Kept on moving…because Ihad to.

I got to the elevator as the doors opened. A group strode out.

“Lazarus?” some guy called. “Lazarus Rossi, right? Fuck me…a real fucking Mafi—”

I reacted before I knew it, lunging to grab the poor, pathetic asshole by the shirt, and dragged him close. “Finish that and I’ll ram my fucking fist down your throat.”

His eyes widened, and the two others he came with just froze.

“Easy, man…” the asshole just lifted his hands in surrender.Fucking pussy.“I’m a fan,” he murmured. “I’m a real fucking fan.”

A fan?Blood, screaming…and Kat VanHalen’s dead gaze slammed back at me. I shove him backwards as horror came over me, crashing down on me. I turned and stumbled for the open elevator doors as they started to close.

I had to get out of there…I had to get out.

Hale’s whore.

Hale’s whore.

My own reflection shone back at me, blurred and warped on the stainless steel walls of the elevator. My muscles trembled, tight and aching…desperate.I clenched my fist, wrenched my hand through the air, and drove it into the goddamn wall.

The blow was aboominside the space as the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened. Hard breaths consumed me as I turned and stared straight into the eyes of Finley Salvatore.

He just looked at me, then his gaze shifted to the wall.Do not speak, motherfucker.My lips curled, that savagery burning like acid inside me. I wanted to hit something…I wanted to hit and keep on hitting, until I collapsed. The need to smash in that pretty-boy’s face thundered in my veins.

He said nothing, just stood there, not moving a fucking inch as I strode out of the elevator and through the foyer.

Hale’s whore.

“Fuck Hale,” I growled…whoever the fuck he is.

I wanted to hurt that motherfucker in that moment,reallyhurt him. I wanted to tear him apart, snuff out his flame. I wanted to make it so that he never fucking existed, so I could have what was his.

Jesus…do you hear yourself?

I strode through the doors of the building and out into the night, rubbing the back of my neck once more. I didn’t get riled like this, didn’t get lost in the emotion…not since…Iggy’s face filled my mind. I could still hear his whimper, still see that desperation in his eyes at the end when he didn’t want to stay here with me any longer. He wanted to go…he wanted to be free.

I didn’t get shaken, especially not by a woman.

But the moment I thought of her, that hunger came roaring back, that need to know, to feel. Fuck me…to feel.That throbbing music from last night found me and with it came the lightning strike of desire. In my head, her hips ground against mine, her breasts high and perfect, bouncing in front of my face to the throb of the beat as she straddled my lap and worked her body.

But that was different, wasn’t it? It was different than what I'd seen tonight.

I stopped walking, standing in the middle of the walkway, and stared out at the black sea. Moonlight bounced off the surface, casting the soft silver glow as far as I could see. But it wasn’t the stunning view of the ocean that consumed me. It washer.The redhead who'd looked at me tonight with so much disgust and loathing, so much fucking hatred, as she jerked off that piece of shit beneath her.

It was the look of a woman who was trapped, who wasnothing inside.

Jesus Christ.

I inhaled hard, feeling that burn of torture all the way into my soul. I turned my head and looked over my shoulder to the apartment building once more. I wanted to go back there. I wanted to choke Damon out and leave him gasping and bruised and barely hanging on to life, then I wanted to turn to her, with his blood on my hands and this burning need tofucking understand her.

A scream rocked the night, sounding faint and in the distance.

It was a male's scream…a guttural scream…a roar of desperation…of survival.

I took a step, scanning the buildings and the island for the direction as the sound was silenced.What the fuck was that?I took a step, then another. My heart hammered, that burning heat of anger turned chilling. There was something not right…

I moved, my steps quiet and fast…hurrying.Two steps and I pushed into a jog as that roar came once more, loud,savage.Desperate, that’s what it was. I caught a bead on the direction and grabbed my phone.
