Page 23 of The Boss's Prize

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“Where is she?”

“I don’t know. She was with the inside man, Franco. Everything was going to plan, and then she disappeared,” Luca said.

“Check her phone tracker, now,” I ground out. My worst nightmare was coming true.

“She’s in the area. It looks like another building across the compound.”

“Meet me there,” I snapped and hung up.

I knew the building he was referring to. We’d looked over detailed plans of the compound before arriving. Chiara had told me about the large, warehouse-type building at the end of the De Luca plot of land.An amphitheater, of sorts. A place of trial and punishment.

I left the house at a run. As my men and I jogged through the complex, I realized how silent it was. Too quiet. As we neared the warehouse, I saw why.

The inside was lit up, and light escaped the boarded-up windows and doors. There was the muted roar of conversation inside, like many bodies pressed together, talking excitedly. As I approached, a spotlight fell on the surrounding grass, and the sound of rifles being drawn filled the air.

“Stop right there. This is De Luca land and De Luca business. We don’t need trouble from Lucianos here,” a voice called bravely to me.

I raised my arms slightly and gestured for my men to do the same.“We’ve come for Chiara, and we’re not leaving without her.”

“I guess that means you aren’t leaving then,” the voice called.

“If she’s harmed, I’ll kill every one of you,” I swore at him, anger and fear colliding in my chest.

I was frantic, terrified, and wholly painfully human at that moment. The anesthesia of previous years was swept away, and I knew what it was to be a man about to lose everything. Resentment over being the spare, amassing money, one-night stands. They were all meaningless in the face of losing her.

I had a sudden, vivid memory of the day Suna was cornered by her insane former fiancé. My eldest brother had rushed into a certain trap to be by her side. I hadn’t understood him at all. He’d been completely alien to me at that moment. Until now, I’d had nothing to lose because I’d never loved before.

“If it’s retribution for Giacomo, then take it out on me. Take me instead. I did it. I’m the guilty party,” I called to the gunmen standing at the tall windows of the dilapidated building.

The need to rush the doors, batter them in, shoot and tear my way to Chiara was nearly unbearable. Luca had appeared out of the shadows, and only his restraining arm stopped me.

“Don’t push them to act. They might hurt her,” he said with the cold logic of a man who wasn’t about to lose his mind.

“If they do, every single one is dead. You’re dead too, and me. None of us leave here tonight,” I swore viciously and meant every word.

Luca nodded, his stoic face reflecting nothing.“Then let’s hope she isn’t dead.”

“We should call the cops. Tell them there’s a gunman on the loose,” I said, grabbing my phone from my pocket.

Luca knocked it away.“And you’ll be the one who goes down for his murder.”

I pushed my face near his, fury running hot in my veins.“I don’t care!” I roared.

Silence surged as my men processed what I was saying.In my heated state, I didn’t hear the door to the warehouse opening. I didn’t hear anything until I heard her voice.


I spun so fast, I staggered. My nearly healed side was ripped open, and I was probably losing blood at an alarming rate. None of that mattered if Chiara wasn’t returned to me, safe and sound. If she were hurt, I’d rather my ripped side bleed out faster and finish me sooner.

She walked toward me, looking serene despite the men following her wearing grim expressions with guns pointed at the back of her head. I studied the face of each one. No matter what, I’d end those fuckers.

“What happened? Where have you been?” I asked, reaching for her as soon as she was close enough.

“No. No touching,” a deep voice said beside us.

I realized another man was here, standing guard over Chiara. I recognized him from the poker game. Her personal guard. Franco. That fucker.

I lunged for him, but Chiara reached for my arm.“Stop, Antonio. Calm down. Franco’s not done anything to me. No one has. These are my family, remember?”
