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Laura was looking at me with a rapt attention that I could get used to. I’d never aspired to be everyone’s hero, but looking into her eyes right now, I thought I’d like to be one person’s.

“Hey, truth or dare,” Laura muttered.

“Truth,” I growled out, wanting one thing from her. One thing I needed.

Her lips curved into a smile. “I love you too,” she breathed.

“I know, sweetheart. I know.”

2 Years Later


Sigma Squad Bail Bonds had a nice shiny office, and I enjoyed getting dressed up in office wear that Bennet couldn’t take his eyes off every day. The man had a thing for pencil skirts. I was the newest tech person for the company, the first time they’d had a dedicated in-house person, and I had to say, I was doing a pretty good job. Computers were easy; people were the tough part.

Luckily for me, Bennet’s people were all good ones. Emily had become a skip tracing agent, which meant she wanted to be in the field more. Diesel had more than enough to say on the matter. The rest of the team was busy. As always, I enjoyed the times they’d touch base at the office, coming in, chatting and catching up. I felt like I had a new big sister and about ten big, burly brothers. Benji loved to hang out there just as much as me, and since Bennet bought him a dog, a bruiser of a pit bull who was soft as a daisy, they were always at the office, with its big garden outback. There was even a grill and baseball hoop.

Somehow, through all the darkness, I’d stopped finding new depths to fall into. Somehow, these days, I felt like I was flying.

The phone rang, and I answered quickly, spying Bennet approaching through the door camera. I buzzed him in while I answered the call.

“Babe, it’s me. I’m over on tenth and I might have a little problem,” Emily’s voice spoke in my ear. The connection was weird, rocky almost.

“What kind of problem?” Emily had only just started tracing bail jumpers and wasn’t supposed to be out along yet. Bennet would flip.

“Well, I was just running errands downtown, and I saw the guy I’ve been looking for. One thing led to another, and… I’m locked in the trunk of his car. The good news is he’s abandoned it, the bad news is… I can’t get out,” she rushed out.

I clapped a hand over my mouth to stop my immediate reaction and draw Bennet’s attention. He grabbed the phone off me before I could do anything. He listened for a long moment and then swore.

“Wait there, I’ll send someone to you, and then we are going to have a serious discussion about personal safety, training, and not fucking dying.”

He gave me back the phone, already reaching for his own.

Emily let out a sigh in my ear. “What are the chances that he’s sending someone other than Diesel?”

“Slim to none,” I told her, and choked down a laugh at her inventive cursing. “You know, you two really need to just bang it out, or get over it,” I told her.

“Bang it out?? I’ll bang your head out on the table when I get back. Thanks for nothing. Now I have to get out of here before he arrives or I’ll never hear the end,” Emily was muttering as the call disconnected.

I was still chuckling as Bennet put his head around his office door. “What’s funny?”

“Your sister and Diesel,” I said.

He frowned. “Stop that. Diesel would never. She’s my baby sister. It’s against the guy code. Off-limits.”

“Honey, don’t you know that just makes it so much more enticing?” I teased him. “Like office romances, or desk sex… you know it’s naughty, so you just want it more.”

Bennet’s eyes lit up at that. We were here alone right now, but who knew how long that would last. He straightened up and leaned in the doorway, looking like the cocky bastard he was when we’d first met.

“In that case, Mrs. Archer, I’ve got some files that need sorting in my office.” He leaned back as I sauntered toward him.

“Yes, boss.”

* * *


The houseon the mountainside was perfect for Laura. She loved the view. Being up high seemed to cheer her up every time she looked out the window. I was already planning how I’d extend it if needed be. Just now, we had space, with Rocks, the dog, and Benji, but one day, when Laura was ready, I wanted to fill the big old place up with kids’ rooms.
