Page 25 of The Boss's Runaway

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He leaned in, resting his forehead against mine.“Mine, Katya Song. You are my everything.”

My heart swelled silently at that sentiment. “You think I didn’t expect you to come for me?” I teased quietly. “I knew you’d come. You save me. That’s what you do.”

He let out a long breath, and his lips whispered across my forehead. “You’ve aged me ten years in the last few hours. Don’t run away from me, Kat, or put yourself in danger. I’d die a hundred times before I experience that again.”

I nodded, making him a promise with my eyes.

Jae muttered, “Here, we forgot something at the ceremony.”

He took a ring box from his jacket pocket and opened it. Matching wedding bands lay inside. There was delicate Korean lettering scrolling around the inside.

“What does it say?”

“If I were to live a hundred lives, I’d find you every time.”

He slipped it onto my ring finger. I blinked, awed and in love. How could everything come together the way it had? It had started with a desperate look in a crappy basement room. Jae Han’s world had never shocked me because it was my world. His brutal ways, dangerous men, and the power he wielded had never frightened me because I grew up around all that. He was a man in the way I’d been taught men should be, yet more than I’d dreamed of. He was powerful and strong, a terrifying don in his own right, yet there was honor beneath his deadly exterior.

If there was such a thing as a hero in our brutal world, Song Jae Han was it.

“You tell me you’re not my white knight, yet your actions prove otherwise, again and again.”

“I’d storm a castle for you anytime, so maybe I can be a knight of a sort, but not a good one, just… yours. For you only. Your personal knight in bloodstained armor.”

I raised an eyebrow at him as he pulled me into his arms and walked purposefully toward the bedroom.“My personal knight? I like the sound of that.”

We reached his room, and Jae shouldered inside, laying me on the bed. His hands went to my ankles, and he tugged me to the edge, dangling my legs off the mattress. Slowly he knelt before me as I tangled my hands in his hair. I felt like a queen being worshiped by her loyal guardian.

“Good, because like in the stories, I’m not giving you a choice. I’ve saved you, and now I’m keeping you. That’s this fairytale’s end.” Jae’s dark and delicious grin melted the worry and pain of the day. The problems with working alongside Konstantin could wait until tomorrow. I was a newlywed, madly in love with her husband, and I was going to make the most of it.

“You forgot something…” I trailed off as his hands pushed my thin white dress up my thighs, and his hot mouth followed. “The happy ending.”

He grinned against my skin. “I didn’t forget it. I’m getting around to it.” His mouth pressed against the lace between my thighs. “Tell me when you get there.”



My heels clicked and echoed down the hall, as I walked toward the courtroom at the bottom. A guard saluted me, and I smiled at him. I hadn’t long left of walking in heels like these and a pencil skirt and I intended to use every single second.

I entered the courtroom, and spied my client, looking around for me.

“I’m here, Natasha, I apologize for being late. I still have a touch of morning sickness,” I told her, as I sat down. The slender eighteen-year-old nodded, biting her lip. I could tell that tears were only a second away. I wrapped my hand around hers.

“Today, you say goodbye to your husband, forever, ok? If you cry, if should be happy tears.”

“Ok, I just don’t know what we’ll do if I lose,” she muttered. I straightened my folders and shrugged. I knew exactly what I’d do. I’d ask my husband to make sure her abusive husband disappeared on dark, New York city night, and was never seen again. One way or another, my client wasn’t going back to him.

“So, we won’t lose,” I reassured her, and smiled, before standing when the judge entered.

* * *

Hours later,I slid into the discreet and heavily secured town car sitting at the curb for me.

“I hear congratulations are in order,” Jae’s voice wrapped around me, and then he was there, tugging me into his arms.

“It wasn’t a difficult case, the asshole was clearly guilty.”

“I’m proud of you, sweetheart.” He leaned in and caught my chin and kissed me, holding me still so he could plunder my mouth, turning the kiss from hot to sizzling.
