Page 15 of Protecting Lindsay

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“Thank you. I...I’ll get home by myself...”

Muttering under his breath, he got out and followed Lindsay to the entrance of her workplace. The woman was driving him crazy. It was cold, she was wrapped up in a coat, and a scarf and a beanie covered her hair, but he’d seen the soft, blue lace top hugging her breasts in the kitchen, and he couldn’t get the damn picture out of his head.

While she unlocked the door, he turned and looked up and down the street. All around them, businesses were opening, people were walking, cars were driving up and down the street. Across the street was a coffee shop and through the window he could see several customers enjoying their breakfast.

The uneasiness from yesterday was back. He’d always relied on his gut and it was telling him something was off. He just couldn’t put his finger on it. Once Lindsay was behind the counter, he’d stroll over to see if any strangers were lurking around.

“I’m fine now,” Lindsay was saying, but he ignored her and stepped in front of her to enter first.

“Wait here,” he said, scanning the small interior as he walked around.

“What are you doing?” she asked, clearly irritated.

He didn’t answer but walked towards the section of the building where Charlie’s rooms were.

“Blake, seriously, what are you doing? There are people outside. Nobody...”

He turned around quickly; she was right behind him. Her hands landed on his arms. Blue eyes darkened. Desire. That was the emotion he’d seen before and couldn’t identify. But now, this close, he recognized the familiar emotion.

“Damn, Lindsay...” He barely got the words out, then slipped his hands around her neck.

“Hallooo!” a voice called out.

Lindsay put her hands on his arms and pushed them down. “I...I have to go. It’s Lilly.” She turned away.

“I’ll be there in a minute.”

“You can really go now, I’ll be fine.”

“In a minute,” he said through clenched teeth.

“But why...?” she began, turning back to face him, a frown on her face.

Cursing, he pulled her close, making sure she felt what she was doing to him.

Her eyes widened and she stilled. “Oh.”

“Yeah.Oh.I need a minute.”

He’d thought she’d be angry. He’d reckoned she’d move away quickly. Counted on it, truth be told. But she didn’t move. And his body, clearly very happy with her closeness, reacted with speed to her nearness.

“Lindsay? Anybody here?” Lilly called again.

Only then Lindsay turned around. “I’m here. Coming!” she called, and with a last look over her shoulder at him, walked away quickly.

Damn it to hell and back. Blake walked farther into the sections of the building where Charlie’s rooms were. Her door was locked, the small waiting room, empty. He opened the curtains and looked outside. It was the usual Saturday-morning picture of a small-town street. But something was making him uneasy.

The coffee shop. That was what had been bothering him earlier, before he’d let his hormones take over his brain.
