Page 17 of Protecting Lindsay

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As long as she lived, she’d remember the look in his eyes. No man had ever looked at her in quite the same way, as if she were the most beautiful woman in the world and he wanted to devour her.

But he didn’t want this—he’d just made that clear—and neither did she. The last time she’d given someone her heart, he’d trampled all over it, and the same person was still hell-bent on making her life miserable.

Her phone rang. It was Brooke. Inhaling slowly, she tried to find her equilibrium. Her phone kept ringing. Brooke. She wanted to ask her something. It was another second before she remembered why she’d called earlier.

“Hi, Brooke,” she finally answered. “I have a favor to ask.” She needed to put distance between herself and Blake as quickly as possible. And if she could sidestep Mark in the process, so much the better.


When Blake arrivedat the dojo, Jason had just finished teaching a karate class. Blake nodded to the people leaving. Some faces were familiar; others he hadn’t seen before.

“The classes have grown considerably since you’ve left.” Jason greeted him with a handshake. “People from neighboring towns have heard about the dojo and have signed up. A high school came to investigate, and quite a number of their students enrolled afterwards.”

“That’s good news. I really appreciate you stepping in to help,” Blake said.

“Of course. I’m enjoying my stay in Alisson. I may just decide to stay here after you sack me.” Jason grinned.

“That’s good to know. Our ex-employer needs help with another case, so I may need you again. Or have they contacted you, as well?”

Jason nodded. “About the bank robbers? Yeah, they did. I’m thinking about it. What about you?”

“Not until we find Taylor. Any news on that front?”

Jason shook his head. “After you phoned last night, I drove around town, but I didn’t see the green car you described anywhere.”

“Could be he left town. But he’s nearby. I can feel it. I checked out the coffee shop across from Lindsay’s shop this morning.” He rubbed a hand over his neck. “I had this feeling someone was watching from inside. But by the time I got there, only the usual crowd were having their Saturday morning coffee. According to the waitress, there was someone earlier she doesn’t know.”

“So why did you get involved with this case? Hunting down ex-boyfriends isn’t your usual gig, is it?” Jason asked with a twinkle in his eye.

“No. But I have to make sure she’s safe.”

Jason’s eyes widened, and grinning, he slapped Blake on the shoulder. “You fell for a woman? Well, I never.”

“No, I haven’t fallen... What I mean is...” Whatever did he mean? “She’s a friend.”

Jason grinned. “A friend?” He sounded skeptical. “Okay. If you say so. Gorgeous friend, by the way.”

Blake frowned. “I thought you told me she hasn’t been for her self-defense classes since I’ve left.”

“That doesn’t mean I don’t know who the most beautiful unattached female in town is.”

Blake was staring at the door where a few women had entered, but his head whipped back to Jason when he registered what his friend had said. “Stay away from her,” he growled before he could stop himself. He and Jason had worked together on numerous cases. He liked the tall, lanky guy, but he also knew there was a string of broken-hearted women in Jason’s wake.

Jason laughed. “Thought so. You’ve got a thing for the lovely Lindsay?”

Blake shrugged. “Wouldn’t matter if I did, would it? In our line of work...”

“But we’ve quit, remember? You don’t have to take on the next case just because they ask you to.”

“I have to.”

Jason crossed his arms and leaned against the table. “Why?”

“Don’t you have a class to teach?”

“Not right this minute, no.”

“My partner died because I wasn’t focused. So if I can help catch the next bad guy...” He shrugged.
