Page 20 of Protecting Lindsay

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“You nearly gave me a heart attack,” she scolded as he brushed past her.

“Good. Then we’re even.”

“I don’t go sneaking around corners!”

“But you lied to me! Lilly has left.”

“I didn’t exactly lie. I said I won’t be alone, and I’m not. There are people on either side of me.”

“Oh, really?” He motioned with his hands. “The same people who’ve just come running because you’ve yelled?”

“I ...” Cross, she walked towards the counter where she was working. “I’m fine. Nobody else knows I’m here.”

“Everybody who has been watching this building will know you’re alone. Damn it, woman, do you have any idea how easy it would be for someone to get to you here if they wanted to? And that’s exactly what Mark Taylor is trying to do, or haven’t you noticed?”

Without any warning, the tears came out of nowhere. Sniffling, she turned her back on Blake. “Don’t you think I know that? But I’m trying to get on with my life in spite of it. I refuse to allow him to frighten me again.” In vain, she tried to mop up the tears, but it would seem she hadn’t cried enough last night.

“Lindsay...” Blake began, behind her, before he cussed under his breath. “Please don’t cry again.” And two big, warm hands tentatively touched her shoulders.

Her whole being was urging her to turn around and bury her face in Blake’s big, broad chest, but this was her mess and she was going to fix this.

Squaring her shoulders, she wiped her face. “I have to finish this. There isn’t time during the week. I’ll be fine.”

The hands withdrew from her shoulders. Behind her, she heard movement and turned around. Blake put his laptop on a small desk near the window and took out his phone. “Have you eaten?”

She shook her head without looking at him and reheated the shea butter and coconut oil. If Blake hadn’t disturbed her, she’d have been finished by now.

“What can I get you? I’m ordering from the coffee shop across the street.”

“I’ll go and fetch it...” she said.

“We either both go or I ask them to deliver it.”

Shrugging, she turned her back on him and continued mixing the butter and oils. She had to finish this batch, otherwise there wouldn’t be enough stock for the week.

“I’m ordering a coffee, and ham and cheese sandwich—what can I get you?”

“The same, thanks.”

“Don’t you prefer tea?”

She quickly glanced at him. “I do, but it doesn’t really matter...”

“Of course, it matters what you want.”

For a moment longer she stared at him, before she quickly turned back to what she was doing. Mark had never been in the least interested in what she’d preferred. He used to order for both of them without consulting her.

Minutes later, Blake had placed the order. “What can I do to help?” he asked.

Surprised, she looked at him. “It’s not necessary...”

“I know. But I’m staying anyway so you may as well use me.”

Use me.Her cheeks flamed and she leaned forward to hide them. The term had conjured up all sorts of playful ways in which she could “use” him. Times like these, she was indeed grateful thoughts couldn’t be read or heard.

“Uhm...okay. If you could seal those lids...” She pointed towards a batch she’d made earlier. “I can finish up here.”

