Page 23 of Protecting Lindsay

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He stared up at the sky. In another world, another life, maybe he and Lindsay could’ve... Thinking like that was pointless, as he very well knew. Cursing, he walked back into the house.

Chapter 7


As Lindsay came downthe stairs, heavenly smells wafted towards her from the direction of the kitchen. She’d taken longer than usual, but she’d also quickly packed a suitcase and stored it in the bathroom. Hopefully she’d manage to sneak out tomorrow morning before Blake woke up.

He was standing with his back to her in front of the grill, a kitchen cloth over his shoulder. In a white short-sleeve T-shirt and low-slung jeans, which fitted perfectly around a sexy ass, he looked right at home behind the stove.

His hair was still wet; he’d also taken a shower. Images of his wet, naked body flashed in front of her eyes. Her knees buckled and she had to hold on to the kitchen counter to make sure she didn’t fall flat on her face. Ever since the extreme close-up she’d had with Blake, she hadn’t been able to get those few seconds out of her head.

“Ready for a glass of wine?” he asked as he turned around.

She nodded, unable to utter one word. For one, her mouth was way too dry and her brain seemed to have stopped working altogether. He handed her a glass of wine and their fingers touched.

Quickly she turned away. “Salad. I’ll make...” But in her haste, she knocked over a small jug and the contents spilled out all over the counter. “I’m sorry...” She reached to grab a dishcloth to clean up the mess.

But hers hadn’t been the only hand reaching for it, and Blake’s warm fingers grazed her skin. They both inhaled sharply and chocolate brown eyes met hers.

“I...I’ll clean it up,” she got out, not quite sure what she was talking about. His beard looked soft. She could test and make sure. Maybe if she lifted herself on her toes...

“Don’t look at me like that,” he said softly, and took the cloth from her. “I’ll clean up. I’ll make more sauce for the steak. You go make the salad.”

With her heart hammering away like crazy, Lindsay got the ingredients for a salad from the fridge. The light in Blake’s eyes... Her poor heart wasn’t sure whether to skip, tumble, or just stagger to a halt.


By the time they satdown to eat, Blake’s jaw was hurting from gnashing his teeth. If he didn’t break a few tonight, it would be a miracle. Damn, he hadn’t behaved like a hormone-filled teenager in a long time, but around Lindsay, his body seemed hell-bent on taking over the workings of his mind.

He had to finish his dinner and get away from her, for both their sakes. Everything in him was urging him to pick her up and take her up the stairs and show her what she was doing to him. He’d never been good with words, but he could express what was inside him with his hands and mouth and body and...

Grinding his teeth again, he tried to focus on his food. But he couldn’t touch her. Ever. Once would never be enough with her. Besides, apart from the fact that this was a tension-filled situation and the desire he saw in Lindsay’s eyes was probably only because of everything that had happened since she’d heard from her ex, he’d long ago decided anything long-term wasn’t for him.

Love and family could never be part of his future. He wouldn’t know how to be a husband or a dad.

Husband? Dad? Where the hell had that thought come from?
