Page 30 of Protecting Lindsay

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“Let’s not think about all the what-ifs,” Logan said. “You’re here and you’re all safe. Let’s get you home.”

Lindsay ended up in the back of Logan’s car between Brooke, Connor, and Charlie.

“How are you feeling?” she asked Charlie.

Grinning, Charlie patted her still-flat tummy. “I’m twenty weeks and happy to say I’m not nauseous any longer and have my appetite back. At the moment, Baby is about the size of an apple and...” Her smile widened. “I’ve felt some wiggling and movement.”

Lindsay smiled. “Really?”

“And we’ll be able to find out the gender by next week—I can’t wait to know.”

“It’s a little girl with her mama’s blue eyes.” Logan grinned.

“Or a little boy with his daddy’s blue eyes,” Charlie teased, and touched her husband’s back from behind.

Eleanor had more questions about the pregnancy and an excited Charlie was happy to comply. Leaning back against the car seat, Lindsay touched her mouth. She couldn’t be happier for Charlie but somewhere deep inside her a sadness had settled.

Babies. She’d thought she’d come to grips with the idea of not ever getting married and having them, but ever since she’d met Blake, she kept thinking about happy-ever-after and making babies.

Her lips were still tingling from Blake’s kiss. Wow. Two kisses within the span of about an hour. Well, she had wondered what it would be like to kiss Blake. Now she knew—it wasn’t like any other kiss she’d had before.

Swallowing a groan, she closed her eyes. Within seconds, her thoughts had jumped from having babies to Blake kissing her.

“Lindsay,” Connor’s voice penetrated her thoughts, “you look sad.”

She opened her eyes and touched the little boy’s nose. “I’m fine.”

He stared at her with big eyes. “Didn’t Blake kiss it better?”

“What?” Charlie leaned forward. “What did Blake kiss better?” she asked Connor.

Connor pointed. “Lindsay.”

Charlie looked at her with raised eyebrows. “Really?”

Connor nodded solemnly and held up two fingers. “Two times.”

“He was just worried,” Lindsay said quickly. “We were all a bit rattled.”

“I didn’t get a kiss,” Eleanor said.

“Neither did I,” nodded Brooke. “And I was the one driving.”

“Lindsay?” Charlie asked. “So why is Blake kissing you?”

“It was... We both had a fright; it’s really no big deal,” Lindsay said and crossed her arms.

Logan chuckled. “Don’t tell me we’re having another wedding before Christmas?”

“Of course not!” Lindsay called out, upset. “For some or other reason, he feels he needs to protect me.”

“Wonder why?” Charlie teased.

“Something to do with his previous job, whatever that was,” Lindsay mumbled.

“I think Logan knows what he used to do for a living...” Charlie said.

“...But I’m not talking.” Logan shrugged. “He’ll tell you in his own time. Okay, gals, where shall we go for lunch. Mom?”
