Page 33 of Protecting Lindsay

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Charlie patted on the mattress. “Come and talk to me. I’m so happy you’re here. I just wish it was under different circumstances.”

Lindsay climbed into bed. “I’ve spoken to Blake...”

Charlie’s eyes widened and she interrupted her. “You’ve spoken to Blake? I thought you didn’t like him and now it’s Blake this and Blake that. He’s moved in with you and he’s kissed you—whatever is going on?”

“There is nothing going on. It’s a weird situation. He was worried. I should’ve told him I was coming here...

“Mmmm.” Charlie grinned. “All very interesting observations, but none which explain Blake kissing you, however.”

Lindsay shrugged. She had no idea how to answer Charlie—best to steer the subject in another direction. “He’s spoken to the policeman from Livingston who arrived on the scene after Mark rammed into us this morning.”


“And nothing. Mark seems to be able to disappear every time.”

“But that’s ridiculous. First, he sent someone to do his dirty work for him, and when that didn’t work, he came himself. And nobody can catch him?”

“That seems to be the case.”

“Well, while you’re here, you don’t have to worry,” Charlie said. “We’re not leaving you alone for a minute. And as I’ve told you before, I’ve been waiting for Mark-bloody-Taylor for two years.”

But Lindsay didn’t want to talk about Mark. She had another question. “Do you know what Blake used to do?”

Charlie shook her head. “Logan isn’t talking. He says if Blake wants us to know, he’ll tell us. So, you and Blake...?”

“There is no Blake and me, I promise you.”

“And the kiss?” Charlie asked again.

Lindsay opened her mouth and closed it again. This was her sister. “He says he’s worried about me.”

“And? You like kissing Blake?”

Grinning, Lindsay sighed. “I do. But...”

Charlie leaned forward and patted her arm. “There doesn’t always have to be a ‘but.’”

Lindsay threw her hands in the air. “I don’t know if I can trust my own feelings after Mark and Blake... Well, one minute he kisses me, flirts with me, and then he just clams up.”

Charlie’s eyes widened. “Flirts with you? This is the first time I’ve heard about flirting. Come on, I need details.”

“He phoned just now. And we were flirting—I guess you could call it that—until he said he had to go and then he put the phone down.”

Smiling, Charlie got up and gave her a hug. “It sounds to me he’s running scared, something men tend to do before they realize they don’t want to go anywhere. Logan may be right, after all.”

“What do you mean?” Lindsay asked Charlie as her sister walked towards the door.

“We may just have another wedding before Christmas.” Charlie laughed over her shoulder before she left the room.

Lindsay’s phone bleeped. Another message from Blake.

Hope you can sleep tonight.

Worry, or something else? She stared at the message for a long time before she started typing.

Are you still on my bed?

She immediately wanted to delete the message, but the two blue marks indicated he’d already read it. She waited. Her phone bleeped.
