Page 37 of Protecting Lindsay

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He was there before her and opened the car door. “And I can open my own damn door,” she muttered as she got in.

Pressing his lips tightly together, he closed the door and walked over to the driver’s side. Within seconds, he was behind the wheel and started the car.

“Okay, you don’t want to talk? Fine by me...”

Cursing under his breath, he turned to her.

“You do know you talk way too damn much, don’t you?”

Indignantly, she inhaled, but before she had time to say anything, his hand snaked around her neck and he pulled her closer. She just had time to see his eyes flash before his lips claimed hers in a searing kiss.

Stars exploded behind her eyes and she grabbed hold of his arms. His mouth was warm, urgent, ravaging hers, while his beard against her skin reminded her of the previous time he’d kissed her.

For a moment she was so stunned, she couldn’t react, but her body had no problem and responded with joy. Before she could properly process what was happening, her blood had heated to boiling point, her breasts felt heavy, and she was very glad she was sitting down. Standing would definitely have been a problem.

Quite content and shamelessly eager, her tongue met his, and he deepened the kiss.Oh. My. Word.Nobody, but nobody had ever kissed her like this before.

He lifted his head, his breath warm on her face, if a little uneven. With an oath, he turned to the front and quickly pulled out of the parking lot. “I’m sorry...I shouldn’t have done that. I’m...I have to protect you and I can’t do that when I...we...kiss.”

Blindly, she stared out of the window—speaking was impossible. Outside, it was dark already and bright lights flashed past her. She touched her lips and closed her eyes. What the man could do to her with just a kiss...

You are missing from me.He’d just kissed her as if he’d really meant the text he’d sent her last Sunday. But then she hadn’t heard from him again, but at the airport he’d first hugged her and then kissed her—what did it mean? Did it mean anything?

Swallowing a groan, she inhaled deeply. This was all very temporary, she shouldn’t forget that.

As she’d seen on Sunday already, Blake was a good driver and he deftly maneuvered the car in the traffic. Turning her head slightly, she looked at his hands on the steering wheel. He had beautiful hands. Big. Long fingers. And oh boy, did he know what to do with those hands.

Heat crawled up her neck and she closed her eyes again. Oh, my goodness. She was nearly hyperventilating merely looking at his hands—seriously, she was twenty-six, not sixteen.

Minutes later, they were on the interstate and the traffic was slightly better. He put the radio on, reached out, took her hand, and kept both their hands on his leg.

“The fire in your shop was probably Taylor’s way of making sure you return to Alisson. He seems to be two steps ahead all the time, and I’m frustrated. Don’t ask me why, but I need to do something, even if it’s only to buy milk and bread. And I know I have no right, but at this moment I simply have to touch you.” And to her utter astonishment, he lifted her hand and pressed his mouth against her fingers.


He gave a cheeky grin. “On the bright side—I’ve discovered the perfect way to shut you up.” He chuckled.

She inhaled, ready to explode, but then the realization of how totally she’d overreacted over something trivial really dawned on her. Sheepishly, she smiled at him. “I overreacted and I’m sorry about that, but I do want to pay you back, okay?”

“I’m staying at your house for free, so the least I could do is buy food now and again.”

“Having to look after me can’t be what you want to be doing with your time...” she began, but he turned his head and the heat in his eyes promptly dried up her words.

He didn’t say anything, just laced his fingers with hers. Heat spread through her insides.Oh, my goodness.

“Tell me what you know about the fire,” she got out. She was supposed to be upset, freaked out, and angry, but look at her. She was nearly salivating because a man had kissed her.

But oh, what a kiss.

And now they were driving back to her house. Where they’d be alone for the rest of the night. She rolled the window down a bit. Icy-cold air hit her hot face, and she closed the window again.

“Too hot?” Blake asked and fiddled with the console of the car. Cooler air filled the car.

She glanced at him. His eyes were on the road, but the corner of his mouth was turned upwards ever so slightly.

“It’s hot in the car,” she said.

Again, he lifted her hand and kissed her fingers.
