Page 69 of Protecting Lindsay

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Shoes? Lindsay frowned and stared after her sister. She couldn’t remember Charlie trying on shoes? But Eleanor grabbed her arm. “Come on, I’m hungry!”


On Christmas Eve, Blakestopped in front of Lindsay’s shop just as she was locking the door. He’d been counting the days. Thank goodness it was finally time.

When he’d thought of surprising Lindsay today, he definitely hadn’t thought of the day-by-day consequences of keeping such a surprise a surprise.

She’d lost her sparkle and he hated that, but hopefully after tonight, the sparkle would be back in her beautiful blue eyes.

The car was packed and they were heading out to Logan’s ranch, where everybody would be staying until tomorrow. Gavin had been staying with Logan and Charlie since he’d arrived, and Eleanor, Brooke, and Connor would probably also spend a few more days on the ranch after Christmas. But he had plans to whisk Lindsay away to sunshine, long beaches, and longer nights.

As she walked towards him, his heart simply tumbled to the ground. He loved this woman, and each day he thanked his lucky stars she loved him right back.

“Hi, beautiful.” He smiled and hugged her close.

“Thank you for saying that, but after this day, I really don’t feel beautiful. I can’t wait to put up my feet.” She smiled and hugged him back. “Where’s the sling?” she asked, surprised, and touched his arm. “Stiches out?”

“Yep, so now I can use both hands again.” He grinned and stroked her back with both his hands.

She nestled close to him. “Mmm, I’ll fall asleep right here if you continue. But we better get a move on; Charlie has been phoning all afternoon.”

Fifteen minutes later, they stopped in front of the lovely homestead on Logan’s ranch.

Lindsay bent to pick up her bag, but he stopped her. It was time to tell her about the surprise. “I have a question.”

“Yeah?” she asked absentmindedly while picking up her bag.

“You remember you agreed to marry me?”

She stilled before she looked at him. “Yes?”

He could see in her eyes she was beginning to suspect something. “And you did say at any time, any place, if I remember correctly?”

“Yes?” she whispered.

“So how about we get married on this ranch, tomorrow?”

For long minutes she stared at him while every single emotion she was feeling passed over her face in rapid succession. And then she smiled—a wide grin that told him all he needed to know.

“Of course, I’ll marry you!” she cried out and leaned forward for a kiss. But his lips had barely touched hers when she lifted her head. “But how? I don’t even have a dress?”

The door on her side flew open and Charlie laughed. “Yes, you do! Remember the one you tried on in Bozeman a few days ago?”

Lindsay looked at him before her head swiveled back to Charlie. “You knew about this and you didn’t tell me?”

“Yes!” Charlie called out. “I could burst with wanting to tell you, but we promised.”

“We?” Lindsay said. “You mean to tell me...”

“Yip.” Charlie grinned, motioning towards the house. “We all knew.”

And standing on the porch was everybody Lindsay called family, and who were now also his family.

“And you have the dress?” she asked Charlie.

“I have the dress.”

Lindsay hugged her sister while she searched for Blake’s eyes. He still looked at her, a little unsure. She waited until everyone had entered the house before she took his hand. “Thank you.”
