Page 7 of Protecting Lindsay

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The front door opened and the porchlight was switched on. Lindsay walked out. “Oh, it’s you,” she said, and crossed her arms. “We heard something but when nobody knocked, we weren’t sure it was you.”

With two steps he was at her side and touched her arm. “I didn’t mean to frighten you, sorry. I went to check the street again.”

Troubled blue eyes looked up at him, and it was all he could do not to take her in his arms and tell her everything would be all right. It wasn’t a promise he’d ever make again. But his hand was touching her face before his brain got the message doing so would be a very bad idea.

For a millisecond, she stared at him before she turned away. “Please lock the door—we’re in the dining room.”

He locked the door, took a step forward, and stilled. For the first time, the implication of his rash announcement dawned on him. He was going to stay here. With Lindsay. Her sister wasn’t here, her brother wasn’t here. It would only be the two of them alone in this house.

Exhaling slowly, he continued after Lindsay. When he’d suggested he’d stay with her, his only thought had been to make sure nothing happened to her; he hadn’t thought it through.

Damn it to hell.Focus, Davidson, focus.He was here to protect her. That was it. And maybe if he repeated that a few hundred times, he’d remember why he shouldn’t notice the softness of her hair, the way her mouth curled up when she smiled, and he wouldn’t remember the perfect way she fitted against his body.

As he entered the dining room, Lindsay bent down to pick up something from the floor, and he nearly groaned out loud. Her jeans dipped, revealing a glimpse of black lace.

All the blood left his head and pooled way below his middle. Damn, she was killing him without even knowing it. Gulping in fresh air, he forced himself to look away. Who the hell was he kidding? Protecting Lindsay was way different to any other job he’d ever done.

For starters, no other body he’d ever been assigned to protect had affected him this much.

He met Eleanor’s twinkling eyes. “Come and sit down, Blake,” she called out, and motioned to an empty chair.

Brooke handed him his wallet. “We haven’t used all your money, don’t worry,” she joked.

He put his wallet back in the pocket of his pants. “Thanks for bringing Lindsay home. I don’t want her left alone before we catch this guy.”

Chapter 3


Fuming, Lindsay openedthe cupboard to take out another glass and plate. She was still recovering from the incident earlier and had been hoping against hope Blake would realize how utterly ridiculous his idea to stay with her was.

But here he was, with luggage, making it clear he was going to sleep here. The kitchen, dining room, and living room were one big, open area, but the moment Blake had entered the room, the place seemed to have shrunk.

She was acutely aware of his every movement. The subtle tones of sandalwood and nutmeg that always surrounded him had seeped into her pores, making it impossible to smell anything else, even the delicious food Brooke had bought.

As she handed him his glass, Eleanor leaned forward. “So Blake, do tell us where you’ve been over the past few months. You made a quick appearance at Charlie and Logan’s wedding, but then you disappeared again. And call me inquisitive, but how on earth did you know Lindsay’s ex was on his way here?”
