Page 10 of Loving Brooke

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Startled, she dropped her gaze to below his middle. Oh. Her eyes flew up to meet his.

He didn’t look particularly happy about his body’s response. “Yeah. That’s why I need a minute.”

She needed more than just a minute. Her own body was still humming, her breasts heavy with need. A hysterical giggle threatened to erupt. Swallowing desperately, she tried to keep it way down; this was so not the time to laugh. But the next minute, a laugh slipped out.

“So you think this is funny?” Gavin growled.

“It is kinda funny,” she got out in between more stuttering laughs.

Gavin approached her with a light in his eyes, one she recognized by now.

Swallowing the giggles, she put up her hand. “No, stay over there. No more kissing. If you want to do this pretend thing, we’ll have to have rules. No touching or kissing.”

By the time she’d finished talking, he was right in front of her. “Rules? You? Seriously?”

She swallowed. “Uhm...yes.”

“So I can’t do this?” His mouth trailed down her face again.

“No.” It was barely a whisper.

“Or this?” His mouth lingered on hers for a moment.

She shook her head.

With his eyes on hers, he brushed the backs of his hands against her aching nipples. “So I assume this is definitely against the rules?”

Her heart skidded to a stop before it valiantly tried to resume beating. She grabbed both of his hands in hers. “We’ve established neither one of us wants a relationship, so if this pretend-relationship thing is going to work, you...we can’t do this.”

“Okay.” He dropped his hands and turned away. “If that’s what you want.” He picked up his car keys and walked toward the front door. She followed slowly, taking in the precise detail of how perfectly his jeans stretched across...

“That is not helping.”

Her eyes flew up to his. He’d turned around and caught her staring. Face flaming, she pointed toward the door. “Just...go. Please?”

He flashed her a grin, and her knees wobbled. Seriously.

“Just for the record, I’m all for a fake relationship with benefits. We’re obviously both sex-starved. Let me know when you change your mind; I’m quite happy to oblige.”

She inhaled sharply. “I’m not sex-starved!”

“Wanna test that?” he asked, and gave a step in her direction.

Quickly she held up her hand again. “Go, please. Just...go.”

He was still chuckling when she slammed the door shut behind him.

Upset, she crossed her arms. What was so damn funny?

She marched back to the kitchen but once there, she stopped. What had she wanted to do? With a groan, she sat down and dropped her head in her hands.

Sex-starved, Gavin had called them. He was probably right, but she’d never... Shaking her head, she got up quickly. She’d loved her husband; what she was feeling now, was ridiculous.

Her toes had never, ever curled when Adam had kissed her, a little voice whispered.

Groaning out loud, she leaned back in the chair. She’d never felt like this before. Should she feel guilty? She’d loved Adam; she’d been faithful to him always. But he was gone and this... Grimacing, she got up quickly. This was not real. There was a painting she had to change; she didn’t have time to sit around and think about kissing Gavin Wilson.
