Page 15 of Loving Brooke

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Thank goodness forConnor. Brooke turned around in the car and smiled at her son, who was sitting in the back seat of Gavin’s car. Connor had been chatting nonstop ever since they’d left Alisson to drive to the ranch for dinner. She’d never been more grateful for his running commentary on everything he saw outside the car. Neither she nor Gavin had said anything yet.

She’d wanted to meet Gavin on the ranch, but he’d pointed out that since they were now “together,” everyone would expect him to drive her and Connor there. Although she didn’t like it, it made sense and she had to agree. However, she wasn’t going to leave Connor behind tonight, no matter what her mom had said. About her reasons for doing so, she didn’t want to think too much.

Letting Gavin walk out of her house that morning had been very, very difficult. Her whole being wanted to be with him, to make love with him, to become a part of him. She had no idea where this...lust had come from, suddenly.

Two days ago, Gavin had just been her brother’s brother-in-law. Okay, her brother’s very sexy, very attractive brother-in-law, but she’d managed to keep her distance. And then Connor had brought him home to cook for them, they’d concocted this bizarre plan of pretending to have a relationship to get their families off their backs—and now, everything had changed.

No, that hadn’t been the reason for the change. The main reason, if she were to be brutally honest, was the kiss. Her toes curled, for goodness’ sake. Wasn’t she too old for that? And not just once. She’d allowed Gavin to kiss her four times. Or was it five? One thing was clear, though—she wasn’t thinking straight. Was this because she was—to use Gavin’s word—sex-starved?

Whatever the reason, she wasn’t thinking straight, she wasn’t sleeping properly—the worst combination when she was supposed to be painting.

“Relax,” Gavin said, picking up her hand.

“Relax? How can I relax?” she whispered. “I still haven’t told Connor. I’m not sure what to tell him. And what happens when...?”

“So let’s tell him. Together.”

“But what do I say?”

“We’ll wing it. Hey, Connor?”

“Yes, Gavin?”

“Your mom and I are going to spend more time together. Would that be okay for you?”

For a few moments it was quiet in the car. Brooke wanted to throttle Gavin. She should’ve prepared Connor, she knew, but she hadn’t expected Gavin to blurt out the whole thing like that. This fake-relationship thing had to be one of the worst decisions she’d ever made.

“Does it mean you’ll be cooking for us?” Connor finally asked.

Gavin laughed. “Yes, exactly. It also means”—he glanced sideways at Brooke and winked—“I’ll be kissing your mom from time to time.”

Brooke’s heart nearly jumped out of her throat, and she glared at Gavin. Why did he have to talk about kissing her, to her son of all people, for crying out loud?

“Ew, gross,” Connor said. “Why do you have to do that?”

“Well, I like her, you see, and when you like someone, you like to kiss them sometimes.”

Brooke turned to talk to Connor. This whole thing was crazy. The sooner she put an end to it, the better for all of them. Connor was staring out of the window.
