Page 2 of Loving Brooke

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Brooke quickly glanced at her work and nearly groaned out loud. Her mother was right. She saw what Brooke hadn’t wanted to acknowledge—she’d painted Gavin Wilson kissing...well, her.

Agitated, she turned away. “Of course, I haven’t painted him. Seriously, Mom, I don’t know how many times I must tell you—Gavin and I are friends. This is becoming so boring. You and I have been friends with his sisters since they arrived in Alisson from South Africa nearly three years ago. Since Gavin has moved in with Charlie and Lindsay, he’s become a friend; it’s not that strange. We’re friends. We talk sometimes when the family gets together, but that’s only when you or Charlie or Lindsay invite Connor and me for dinner. Otherwise, I never see him.”

“You could always invite him over, you know. I hate to see you so alone.”

“Mom, please stop. I’m not alone, I have Connor. And just for the record, I’m very happy on my own, doing my own thing. When Adam was alive, he let me paint while he took care of the rest, and I happily went along with it. Only after he was gone, I realized how little I knew about our finances. It took me a long time to figure out what was going on. With Logan’s help and your attorney’s assistance, I’m finally at a place where I feel I’m in control of my own life. I’m not about to ever let another man ‘fix’ everything for me.”

“Oh, sweetie, Adam spoiled you because he loved you. And you never questioned his decisions. He left you and Connor well provided for, remember? You can’t let the past hold you back. Keep moving forward. And, oh, you and Gavin will make such a lovely couple, and think of the beautiful babies—”

“Mom!” Brooke called out, and grabbing her mother’s arm, she steered her down the stairs toward the kitchen. “Come on, I’ll make tea and you—”

“—the two of you will make.” Her mom was on a roll. “You with your beautiful blond hair and Gavin with his gorgeous blue eyes...”

They stepped into the kitchen. Time for a different tactic. “Tell me about little Ellie. Have you managed to finish unpacking in between playing with baby?”

Fortunately, talking about her new granddaughter and her recent move to Logan’s ranch was something guaranteed to get her mom to change topics immediately. Her brother Logan’s and his wife Charlie’s baby had been born in March, and they all immediately fell in love with the tiny girl. Brooke’s mother was completely besotted.

She put the kettle on. Thank goodness her mom had stopped talking about Gavin. It was so annoying having to explain over and over that they were just friends.

“Such a fabulous idea Logan had—all of us living on the ranch—I couldn’t be happier. Yesterday, I babysat Ellie when Charlie and Logan had to go to Bozeman. When she cries, I take her for a stroll. Oh, Brooke, I love it there, and I can’t wait for you to join us in a week’s time.”

Brooke groaned. “Don’t remind me. I have the upcoming exhibition in Seattle in the middle of July. I’m moving the two paintings still in the gallery in Missoula to a lovely one in Livingston that also wants more paintings, and—”

“Why? You’ve been with that gallery for such a long time?”

“I think I told you. Lynda, the owner, is on a cruise, touring the Mediterranean, and she’s decided to appoint a manager. The last time we spoke, she said she’d still be working with the artists, but the new manager will run the day-to-day sales.”

“So what’s the problem? Don’t you and the new manager get along?” her mom asked.

“I don’ the vibe any longer. Besides, Livingstone is much closer.” Her mom didn’t have to know about the manager’s not-so-subtle creepy advances. Fortunately, she was in the position where galleries were asking her if they could exhibit her work, not the other way round. The gallery in Livingston was in the process of organizing a fine art firm to fetch the two paintings—on Wednesday—that were still hanging in the gallery in Missoula. When that was done, she’d have one less worry.

“Anyway, schools are closing in two weeks, and with Connor around...”

“Well, fortunately, I don’t have an immediate upcoming exhibition. There is one in November in Butte, but I have more than enough time to be ready by then. Please, let him stay with me on the ranch, even if it’s only for a few days. Everyone will spoil him rotten; you won’t have to worry about him and can finish your paintings.”

“Thanks, Mom, but—”

“He’ll so enjoy the wide-open spaces on the ranch, and you know how much he loves the animals.” As usual, her mom wasn’t listening. “He gets on so well with Gavin, doesn’t he?”

Brooke laughed. “Mom, you’re relentless. Give it a rest, will you? Your son is married to the love of his life, thanks to your meddling.”

“I didn’t meddle. I simply made sure they got together in one room. The rest happened without any help from me.”

“That’s meddling, Mom. You deliberately let him believe Charlie was a man!”

“I never said that. Anyway, they were meant to be together—anyone can see that. When Charlie and Lindsay moved to Alisson about two... no, it’s nearly three years now, I just knew she and Logan were meant to be together. The same with Lindsay and Blake. I vividly remember the night Blake joined us at the bar. His gaze zeroed in on Lindsay, and he couldn’t look away. It was so obvious then they belonged together. That’s why I know you and—”

“Mom, stop it!” Brooke groaned. “Can we please talk about something else? How is Lindsay?”

Her mother smiled. “She’s absolutely glowing. Being pregnant seems to agree with the Wilson sisters. She’s been very busy; their website for her lovely products seems to be a hit, and they can’t keep up with the orders. Apparently, Lilly will take over the running of the place when Baby comes, and Lindsay will probably have to get another person in to help during those first few weeks.”

Brooke smiled. “How wonderful she’s also expecting a little girl.”

Her mother’s eyes twinkled. “But now we need to find a little brother for Connor.”

“Mom! I’m thirty-three and I have a child—not an attractive package deal for any man, even if I was looking for one. Which I’m not.”

“Oh, sweetie, that’s ridiculous, you’re gorgeous, and the right man—”
