Page 27 of Loving Brooke

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It was quiet for such a long time, Brooke checked her phone to see whether her mom was still on the line. She was. “Mom?”

“Well, really,” her mom finally said. “He’s never told me that. Okay, off you go—and don’t worry about Connor!”

The line was dead before Brooke could ask another question. There had been something in her mom’s voice... Smiling, Brooke sprinted up the stairs. Her mom liked meddling in everyone else’s lives; maybe Brooke should return the favor at some point.

But that would have to wait until she got back from Missoula.



Gavin had just settledin front of his computer with a steamy cup of coffee Friday morning when his phone bleeped. His heart leapt, but it wasn’t Brooke, it was her mother.

Brooke is on her way to Missoula. Connor staying with us.

He read the message again. Brooke was on her way to Missoula? Why? What had she said about Missoula? She had paintings there—the guy gave her the creeps...

Cussing, he jumped up, grabbed his car keys and sunglasses, and raced out of the house. The damn woman. Of course, she wouldn’t ask: she could do everything on her own, even facing a creepy guy. But hell, there was no way he was letting her drive alone to Missoula to deal with someone who gave her the creeps.

Within seconds, he was behind the wheel of his car and was driving down the street. Inhaling deeply, he tried to calm down. Telling Brooke Johnson he wasn’t “letting” her drive to Missoula would be so the wrong thing to say. By this time, he knew her well. He’d have to find another way to persuade her to let him accompany her.

She was pulling out of her driveway just as he was approaching her house. He stepped on the gas and parked behind her. Her car shuddered to a halt, and the next minute, her door flew open. She was livid. And absolutely gorgeous, although perhaps telling her that at this precise moment would also probably be the wrong move. In a short, frilly-kinda skirt and a top with tiny buttons from top to bottom, she took his breath away. His fingers twitched. Those buttons...

A livid Brooke, he could handle. It was the idea that anyone would hurt her that freaked him out.

“What are you doing here?” Brooke demanded, hands on hips.

He rolled down the car window and slipped his sunglasses down slightly. “Heard you have to get to Missoula. It so happens I’m on my way there, as well. Hop in. My SUV has more space. In case you need it.”

Her eyes narrowed; her mouth opened and closed a few times. “I can do this on my own...”

“I know. I could get into your car if you’d rather drive, but it would be silly not to share a ride when both of us are going to the same place at the same time, don’t you think?”

She crossed her arms. “Why do you have to go to Missoula?”

“I have to see someone. And you?”
