Page 33 of Loving Brooke

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Brooke quickly got into the car. She was on the verge of bursting into tears. What she wanted to do was throw herself into Gavin’s arms. She was aching for him to hold and comfort her. But she had to remember he was leaving next week.


For the first hour, Gavin drove in silence. He didn’t trust himself to speak. Those few moments he’d noticed that man’s hand on Brooke, he’d seen red. At the same time, he’d realized he couldn’t punch the guy like every instinct in him was urging him to do.

He had two strong, independent sisters, and he’d realized early on that Brooke might not always know where her phone was, but she’d been raising a little boy on her own while earning a living by working extremely hard. She also was another strong, independent woman, and if he’d learned anything from his sisters, it was not to take over or take charge of their lives, even though he’d always found it extremely difficult to just watch from the sidelines.

And when Lindsay had really needed him, he hadn’t even noticed she’d been in trouble.

If Brooke had been hurt, or... Inhaling slowly, he tried to calm down. He should’ve insisted to go with her right from the start. This whole thing could’ve been avoided, if only she’d spoken to someone. Spoken to him.

He glanced in her direction. She’d closed her eyes, but her hands were still clutching the seat tightly. Leaning over toward her, his eyes on the road, he took her hand in his. Better. At least when he touched her, he knew she was okay.

She didn’t open her eyes, but her hand slowly relaxed in his. Something shifted inside him. What the hell was he doing? He had no business interfering with Brooke’s life. She was right. They’d be breaking up in a week’s time.

After a few miles, they were nearing the neighboring town, Butte. Brooke opened her eyes and sat upright. She pulled her hand out of his and he let it go. No use hanging on to someone who didn’t want him around; Sarah had taught him that lesson.

Brooke cleared her throat. “I’m sorry. You’re right, I should’ve asked you to come with me. It’s just...I can’t let myself depend on you. This thing between’s not a permanent arrangement and when you’re gone, I’ll have to rely on myself again.”

He opened his mouth to protest but closed it again. She was right. He didn’t have anything to offer her, and she would’ve been able to handle the nasty little man all by herself, he had no doubt.

An unfamiliar hole opened up inside him, and he rubbed his chest. He should make sure to stay far away from the lovely widow until he left for Seattle.



It was around eighto’clock when they drove back into Alisson. Brooke glanced quickly in Gavin’s direction. He’d put down his sunglasses, but it was still difficult to judge his mood.

It had been a quiet trip back. After she’d pulled her hand out of his, Gavin hadn’t touched her again and she felt...bereft. Which was ridiculous. They should end this whole charade sooner rather than later. Her poor heart wouldn’t survive being this close to Gavin for much longer.

After Adam’s untimely passing, she’d never really thought about dating again. She’d always put it off. Somewhere in the future, she figured, she’d find someone she could spend time with. What she’d never expected was the very strong attraction between her and Gavin, the desire that grabbed her by the throat whenever she was near him, the heat between them. And when he kissed her and held her, she felt like the most beautiful woman in the world.

She’d never before experienced any of the feelings she had around Gavin. She’d been married to a good man and she’d loved him, but this craziness, this burning passion was a first. Surely it wasn’t something that could last: it was way too intense. There was Connor to consider. She couldn’t just jump into the arms of the first man she lusted after.

Turning her head, she stared out of the window. Her body reacted to this man even when he wasn’t touching her.
