Page 49 of Loving Brooke

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Smiling, Lindsay took Brooke’s hand and put it on her body. “Of course. Feel it?”

Filled with wonder, Brooke felt the slight movement below her hand. She still remembered how Connor used to kick her in her side when she had been pregnant with him. The idea of having another baby had died with Adam, but oh, how she would’ve loved holding another one.

Just then the back door burst open, and Connor charged inside, Logan a little bit behind him. “I’m hungry!” the little boy announced as he rushed toward Brooke.

Brooke put an arm around him and pulled him close. He was growing up way too fast.

“Why was your hand on Lindsay’s tummy, Mom?” he asked.

Lindsay laughed. “Come and feel for yourself. Baby is busy today.” She took Connor’s hand and put it on her belly.

Inhaling, Connor snatched back his hand before he put it back. “Is that Baby?”

“That’s Baby.” Lindsay smiled, rumpling his hair.

“Can...may we get a baby, Mom?”

Brooke laughed. “We actually can’t, sweetheart.”

Connor’s shoulders slumped. “Because Dad is in heaven?”

Brooke nodded. “Yes, exactly.”

Connor chewed his lip. “But what if we get another dad? Can we then get another baby?”

Fortunately, the back door opened at that precise moment. Thank goodness. She had no idea what to say to Connor. She’d never even considered that he’d be thinking about a baby brother or sister.

Blake entered. He immediately went over to his wife and crouched down next to her. “How are the two of you?” His hand covered Lindsay’s lying over her tummy.

Lindsay laughed and answered him. Charlie put the food on the table while the conversation flowed around Brooke, but she wasn’t really paying attention.

Was Connor thinking about someone specific when he’d asked about having another dad? Could it be he was thinking about Gavin?

Her thoughts jumped around, finally settling on the one she couldn’t seem to shake off. Gavin wasn’t with Sarah. Was that what he’d messaged her about? She had to find her phone.

“Brooke?” Charlie handed her a plate with a big piece of quiche on it. It looked delicious, but the moment Charlie put the plate in front of Brooke and she smelled the bacon, she felt nauseous.

While Charlie dished out the rest of the quiche and sent the salad around, Brooke tried to concentrate on her breathing. It was probably the lack of sleep finally catching up on her.

She could do this. Picking up her fork, she looked down at her plate, but the next minute, she shoved back her chair, jumped up, and dashed toward the first bathroom.

The stunned silence behind her followed her all the way down the corridor. What was wrong with her? What had they eaten yesterday? She tried to remember, but she felt so sick, she only had the energy to concentrate on getting to the bathroom.


Gavin had just openedthe door to Logan’s apartment on Monday evening when his phone rang. It was his sister, Charlie. Closing the door behind him, he dropped his gym bag and put his laptop on the table. He ignored the call. He didn’t want to talk to Charlie. He didn’t want to be reminded of the fact that she now probably saw Brooke every day.

It had been two weeks since he’d flown to Seattle. Two weeks during which he hadn’t heard anything from Brooke. Not a message, not a phone call. Nothing. And he was slowly going out of his mind. Numerous times, he’d begun typing another message to send to her, but apparently her phone was still missing.

He missed her. He missed her laugh, her smile, her scent, the way her face lit up when she saw him, the shade of blue her eyes turned when they made love, the curve of her neck, the hitch in her breath when he entered her—he missed everything about her.

And he missed Connor. He’d somehow gotten used to the little guy asking questions about everything. It was surprising to experience life through a child’s eyes again.

But Brooke probably had forgotten all about him by now. That was why he’d been thinking of getting his own place here in Seattle. He’d also have to tell Logan he wouldn’t be moving to the ranch after all.

There was no way he could live close to Brooke every day, see her but not be able to touch her. It would kill him knowing he could never make love to her again.

His phone rang. This time it was Lindsay. And now he was worried. Why would first Charlie and then Lindsay phone him? The baby?
