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Who could have possibly stolen her coat? It had to be someone who hated Selkies or at least was indifferent to their plight. That only left the hardliners. That narrowed the suspects down considerably, but I still didn’t have any concrete leads.

I decided to approach her myself and offer her my help to catch the actual thief. Right now, I didn’t want to make things worse by appearing too interested in the case. Too much interest made me look even more suspicious.

I needed to tread carefully. This was a delicate situation, and one misstep could ruin everything.


In the Hall of Silver Mirrors, the atmosphere was electric as friends surrounded lady Kanna, all of them trying to comfort her as tears ran down her cheeks.

“I shouldn’t be so upset.” She dabbed at her eyes with a silk handkerchief. “They will find my coat, and I can swim without it.”

“I know, Kanna.” Her friend put an arm around her shoulders. “It’s just natural to be upset when something like this happens.”

Lady Kanna looked around the room. “I just wish I knew who did it.”

“Of course they will,” her friends said, but their voices sounded forced and hollow.

From the mirrors around the room, I watched as the scene unfolded. None of them believed her. They were trying to be supportive, but they didn’t believe they would find it.

I entered the hall and my steps echoed on the marble floor. Everyone turned to look at me, and I met lady Kanna’s gaze. “Pardon the interruption,” I said as I saw my reflection from all around the room. “But I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation, and I wanted to offer my help.”

The Selkies all looked at each other and then back at me. I expected to see hatred in their eyes, but I saw only sadness and confusion.

Lady Kanna stood up and her dress cascaded around her like a waterfall of blue and green. The dress was made of fine silk and it flowed around her body, showing off her figure. The bodice was tight and her leg showed through the slit in the dress. She wore no jewelry, but she didn’t need it. Her natural beauty was enough.

Her friends wore similar dresses, but theirs were not as elaborate or as beautiful as hers. Lady Kanna’s status as a court favorite was clear.

Lady Kanna took a step closer. “Thank you for your offer, but we couldn’t possibly ask you to help us.”

“It’s no trouble at all,” I insisted as I approached them. “I’m willing to help in any way I can.”

Her eyes lingered on me for a moment. Finally, she nodded. “Are you sure?”

“Of course.” I stopped in front of them. “It’s the least I can do.”

My reflection in the mirrors showed my dress. I wore a gown of red and gold, with jewels that sparkled in the light. My hair was done up in an intricate style with a golden headpiece on my head.

It was interesting to see the difference between us. It was as if the universe decided we were complete opposites. Where she was light, I was dark. Where she was immortal, I was mortal. But at that moment, I didn’t feel inferior to her. I felt like we were equals.

But my reflection reminded me that this wasn’t the case. I was of a higher status than lady Kanna.

No wonder the Elves crafted this room. It was another way to highlight the social hierarchy.

“Thank you,” she came over to me and took my hand. “I am Kanna, and these are my friends.”

“Nirvelli,” a tall brunette with greenish skin and large brown eyes said as she stepped forward and took my other hand. She had a kind face, but her eyes were full of sadness.

A smaller girl with dark hair and an upturned nose approached me. “Isla.”

She was shorter than the other girls and had a mischievous look about her.

“And I am Anhe,” said the last selkie, who was also the most beautiful. She had long black hair that flowed over her shoulders like a waterfall of silk. She was the only one who wasn’t crying, but her eyes were red-rimmed and puffy.

“It’s nice to meet you all. If only we met in better circumstances.” I smiled gently at them. “When I heard the news, it appalled me. I couldn’t believe such a thing could occur in the Aeglire.”

“Thank you,” they said in unison.

I sat down at the table with them and accepted a cup of sea tea. “What exactly happened?”
