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He placed a hand on the table. “That’s good to hear. They deserve it, after all the work they’ve put in.”

What about the work I put into this?

I plastered a smile on my face. “Yes, they do. I’m glad all of you’re here to enjoy it with them.”

The Queen Mother lifted an eyebrow as she looked at me. “We wouldn’t miss it for the world. This is our home, after all. And these are our people.”

As always, the Queen Mother was as sharp as an Elvish hare.

Fireworks lit up the sky, casting a shower of sparks over the garden. The crowd ‘ooh-ed’ and ‘ahh-ed’ in appreciation, their faces filled with wonder. Fireworks were not common in the Elvish regions. Midar and the Halfling communes were the only ones who used them regularly.

The display went on for some time, and when it finally ended, the Queen and her family got to their feet. I followed suit, as did the rest of their guests. My hands shook as I realized what was about to happen.

Please let this go perfectly. My reputation as a hostess depended on it.

A light orb appeared in the sky, and the show began. A group of Naga danced with swords, their bodies twisting and turning in unison. Reed-thin Elves in brightly colored clothing, their feet barely touching the ground as they summoned lightning.

Dryads with branches entwined in their hair, spinning and leaping gracefully among the trees. The music swelled and pulsed with energy, driving the dancers to move faster and harder. The crowd clapped and sang along, their eyes alight with joy.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Prince Maedras glance at me. I wondered what he was thinking. Was he impressed? Or was he secretly laughing at me? He was hard to read.

The Halflings broadcasted their magic through the rocks, their voices carrying over the music and the cheers of the crowd. As fruits and vegetables magically appeared in the air, the Halflings caught them and laughed as they increased in size.

Midar brought its children to show. They showed no fear as they performed for us. A traditional song and dance to welcome the spring. Their voices were light and sweet, their steps delicate and precise. Flowers appeared under their feet.

The finale was a spectacular show of light and sound, as all the elements came together to create a display that took my breath away. Dragons made of fire, soaring and diving among the stars. Flowers bloomed in midair, their petals floating down like rain. It was so bright that I shielded my eyes, but it was worth it. When it was over, the crowd clapped and cheered, their faces filled with delight.

But the show was not over yet.

The sky was still light, but in the distance, I saw stars appearing. And then, one by one, they fell. Shooting stars, falling from the sky like rain.

Queen Menthe appeared in the sky, her hair and dress billowing around her. “Dear people of Manzimor,” she called out, her voice carrying over the noise of the crowd. “The Blessing of the First Fruits taught us that Manzimor is at its strongest when we are united. Today, we celebrate our unity with a festival for all. This is a time for us to come together and be grateful for what we have. Let us remember that, no matter what happens, we are always stronger when we stand together.”

As the Queen spoke, more and more stars fell from the sky. They fell so thick that they looked like snow.

The crowd erupted into cheers, and I clapped along with them. It was a truly magical moment, one that I would never forget. Queen Menthe smiled down at us before disappearing into a shower of sparks.

The courtiers applauded the real Queen Menthe, who stood up and curtseyed to them. “Thank you all for coming,” she said, her voice filled with emotion. “I hope you enjoy the rest of the festival.”

With that, the guests dispersed, some of them going to the city, others staying on the palace grounds. The fireworks started up again, this time in a more subdued display.

I lingered for a moment, watching as Prince Maedras spoke with his mother and father. His gaze met mine, and he smiled. I nodded my head before I turned around. I entered the Aeglire and returned to my chambers. It was time to prepare for the ball.


Redressed in a blue ball gown with a gold belt and my hair pulled back in an elegant updo, I joined the ball. The light and airy fabric of the dress flowed around me as I moved, and I couldn’t help but twirl in it. The mask I wore obscured my vision, but I saw Prince Maedras across the room. A black mask adorned his face, and gold embroidery trimmed robes. His eyes met mine before a group of courtiers who demanded his attention quickly drew them away.

The room was decorated following the Century of Gilded Dreams theme. The Elves worshiped that era, and my expectations did not disappoint. Gold paint adorned every square inch of the room, from the walls to the ceiling. Even the floor had a thin layer of gold leaf. The ceiling was adorned with colorful flowers and strings of pearls with twinkling lights. Round couches decorated with flowers were placed around the room.

In the center of the room was a large circular table. On it was a sumptuous feast, fit for a Queen. Dishes of all sorts adorned the table, from roasted meats to exotic fruits.

A grand staircase led up to a balcony on which an orchestra with 200 members was playing.

If this didn’t impress them, nothing would.

The music struck me. It was lively and upbeat, completely different from the slow and relaxing tunes I became used to. Six-stringed guitars, drums, and flutes filled the air, and the guests danced.

Couples whirled around the room, their feet moving in time to the music. Some of them were even flying, their feet barely touched the ground. Clouds of pixie dust surrounded them, making them look like they were glowing.
