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“It is difficult when two people are so different. It’s a wise approach.”

“It’s the only approach.” I shrugged. “Otherwise, where would we be? For us to have a somehow amiable marriage, we need to at least try to understand each other.”

Not to mention, Prince Maedras needed to think well of me. He was the key to helping Midar, and I needed to get on his good side. A dissatisfied husband could make my life very difficult. Like all men, he needed a challenge, and I would give him that.

“He’s right. I need to put more effort into the Eternal Court.”

She frowned. “And he needs to put more effort into understanding you. You shouldn’t be the only one being reasonable.”

“I’m planning to confront him about it when things have lulled down between us. Right now I’m focusing on my role in the Eternal Court and he’s focusing on his.”

“And what is your role in the court, may I ask?”

I hesitated before answering. “Right now, I need to show my face more often in court. Get to know the people and prove to them I’m just as capable as anyone else.”

She nodded her head. “What is our approach for today? Do you want me to introduce you to more courtiers?”

I shook my head. “That would be unwise. I need to know more before I can mingle with the courtiers. I need your help with that. Right now, showing my face should be sufficient.”

Darith contemplated my words. “You aren’t married yet. I think we could postpone it till your wedding. Right now, you are an honored guest rather than a member of the Eternal Court.”

“I see,” I said thoughtfully. That made sense. “Then I shall focus on my studies and try to understand the court more.”

“If you change your behavior after the wedding, we could argue that you only tried to adhere to the principles of the Eternal Court. We could use the servants to let that gossip spread.”

A plan formulated in my mind. “Thank you, Darith. You are a staunch friend.”

“Of course, Your Highness.” She smiled at me in the mirror. “Now, let’s get you ready for the day.”

She grabbed the comb again and worked on my hair.

I played with my bracelets. “Do you think this would work?”

“Absolutely,” she said. “I’ve been a member of this court for almost 5 millennia. I’ve learned how to deal with courtiers, and I will do anything in my power for you to succeed.”

Our success hinged on the ability to make Prince Maedras see reason. I could only hope that my plan would work.

Guilt flared in my chest. “That means that for now, we can’t take any action on the fertility problem. I promised you we would visit the research projects to tackle the taboo, but that has to wait until I’m settled in the court.”

Her face softened. “Of course, Thimsal. The welfare of our people always comes first. Sometimes I forget you are only mortal. That we funded this project is a big step. Let the people get used to it and we will visit them later. Elvish time differs from mortal time. There is no rush.”

She was right, of course. There was no rush, but it didn’t make me feel any better about breaking my promise.

But that couldn’t be helped now. I had to focus on the task at hand: getting the Eternal Court intrigued by me, and making Prince Maedras think well of me.

I put on my best smile as Darith finished with my hair. “Ready?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be,” I said.


From our balcony, Darith and I watched the dancers below. The Queen had invited us to her balcony, but we had declined. We preferred to watch from a distance. Fewer eyes.

“They are so graceful.” I shook my head in admiration.

“They are very talented,” Darith agreed. “They’ve been practicing for weeks.”

“It shows.” We left the balcony and walked down the curving stairway.
