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It was the truth, after all. Prince Maedras was one of the most attractive men I had ever seen. His long golden hair was pulled back from his face, revealing his sharp features. His gold eyes were piercing and his full lips curled into a smirk. My nervousness amused him, I could tell.

“Isn’t this nice, Maedras.” Queen Menthe said, her voice full of false cheer. “Just the four of us, getting to know one another better.”

The four of us, plus the dozens of servants and guards that were stationed around the perimeter of the courtyard, but I supposed that was close enough.

A pixie buzzed past me and sweat dripped down my forehead as I took another sip of my bitter tea. The sun was beating down on us and the heat was stifling. Even in the shade of the oak trees, the heat was stifling.

The sun didn’t seem to bother the rest of my companions. The pixie flew back and hovered in front of my face, fanning me with its delicate wings.

I batted it away, and it flitted to Queen Menthe, who giggled.

Prince Maedras leaned back in his chair and regarded me with a lazy smile. “Yes, quite nice,” he said, his eyes still on me. “It was gracious of you to invite us despite your busy schedule.”

My eyebrow raised. She was his mother, not a stranger. Surely he saw her more often than I did.

“It was no trouble at all.” Queen Menthe said, waving her hand dismissively. “I wanted to make sure I got to know my future daughter-in-law a little better.”

“And what do you think so far, Your Majesty?” I asked, taking another sip of my tea.

Queen Menthe hummed thoughtfully and tapped her chin. “You’re very…”

“Blunt?” Prince Aldaren supplied.

Queen Menthe frowned at her husband and shook her head. “No, I was going to say honest. You have a good head on your shoulders, Princess. I think you and Maedras will get along quite well. He needs someone who can keep him in line.”

Prince Maedras smiled and took a sip of his tea. “I think I can manage that on my own, mother.”

“Perhaps, but it never hurts to have someone to help you along the way,” Queen Menthe said, her eyes twinkling.

He sighed and shook his head. “If you say so, mother.”

Queen Menthe laughed and took a dainty sip of her tea. “My son can be quite stubborn, Princess Thimsal. I hope you’re up for the challenge.”

I met Prince Maedras’ gaze and raised an eyebrow. “I think I can handle it, Your Majesty.”

Prince Maedras smiled and leaned back in his chair. “I look forward to it.”

Prince Aldaren cleared his throat and Queen Menthe frowned at her son.

“Maedras, mind your manners. You’re making the poor girl nervous.”

Yes, Maedras, mind your manners, I wanted to say. Instead, I took a deep breath and put on my best diplomatic smile.

“It’s all right, Your Majesty. I don’t mind.”

Queen Menthe smiled at me and patted my hand. “See, Maedras? She’s a sensible girl.”

I dabbed my forehead with a handkerchief and placed it back in my pocket. I took another sip of tea and tried to focus on the conversation.

“I wanted to speak with the two of you about your upcoming nuptials.” Queen Menthe said, her voice serious now.

My stomach tightened, and I put down my cup. Finally, something would be planned. I wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible.

“Of course, Your Majesty. What did you have in mind?”

Queen Menthe pursed her lips and looked at her husband. “Aldaren, perhaps you should explain it to her. You know how I feel about these things.”

Prince Aldaren nodded and set down his cup. He leaned forward, his elbows on his knees, and regarded me with a serious expression. “A date has already been set, and the preparations are in full swing. But we wanted your input, Princess Thimsal. Every young lady dreams of her wedding.”
